You can style anchors to look like Telerik buttons through the k-button CSS class that comes with the Telerik Themes (example below). Updated to the value provided if the query parameter exists in the current URL. These example gives the page two routes ("customer" and "customers/customer") with both pages accepting a parameter called customerId: There's a reason this looks like attribute-based routing: During the build process, Blazor creates a C# class from your Blazor component. Binding the OnClick Event Using Blazor and C. In this example, we'll use Blazor, to create a Count property of type integer. This will create a new Note instance and add it to our Notes list instance. To use a route with one or more parameters that contain a dot, the app must configure the route with a custom template. This will result in an HTTP request to the server to retrieve the content to display. As an alternative to specifying the route template as a string literal with the @page directive, constant-based route templates can be specified with the @attribute directive. Building elite DevSecOps performers, VSLive! You can also stack multiple page directives in a cshtml file to provide multiple routes to the same component. They give us a better way to define component callbacks over using Action or Func. Here's an example: You must also enable routing in an app.cshtml file in your application's root folder with this Router element: The code to do both these tasks is included in the Blazor project templates so you shouldn't have to provide it yourself. To apply a default layout to NotFound content, see ASP.NET Core Blazor layouts. The action attribute specifies the path to which the URL will be redirected once the form is submitted. The NavigationManager was injected into our CounterBase class, and so is accessible in our Counter.razor file. Questions? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Finally, we will demonstrate how to set up a Blazor async event handler, very important if the application is making API calls. Often you could also achieve that through JavaScript and using, but in the context of a Blazor app you might prefer to use less JavaScript. Source Code licensed under MIT It supports font icons and images and fires click events. I have a mat-table with 4 columns (name, city, state, action). Afterwards, we will copy the create a note call method, but this time, we will set it up as an async callback, and see how the Blazor application behaves with that two second delay. Become a Sponsor In the router element content ( ) of the App component (App.razor): For an example that uses the Navigating property, see Lazy load assemblies in ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly. NavigationManager and its NavigateTo method. A NavLink component behaves like an element, except it toggles an active CSS class based on whether its href matches the current URL. If any location changing handlers are registered, all navigation is initially reverted, then replayed if the navigation isn't canceled. We will demonstrate how to set up a Blazor onclick call method and bind it to a HTML element. Typically, An event that fires when the navigation location has changed. There is one exception, though: You can use the Router element in the app.cshtml file to provide a fallback page for when your Blazor routing is given a bad route (effectively, a 404 page for bad Blazor URLs). You can implement that model with plain old HTML or you can leverage it with C# (I'll show you how to both). How to Redirect from One page to Another in HTML on Button Click? at blazor.webassembly.js:1, change InvokeAsync