Another concept I will reveal that shows the clockwise sequence does not work. And never let me be burdened with sorrow by not starting over again. One of the fundamental aspects of the earth element is the potential for transformation. On the other side of the spirit veil, I spend more than a little bit of time researching the hallucinogens. Remind me never to take from you more then I need, and remind me to always give back more than I take. we too decay and die many times in a life time only to come back to fruition again and again, after reflection, meditation, awareness, acceptance and surrender. This is how most people live their lives without even realising they are creating their own experiences. By doing this, you find deeper truths - which I believe esoteric symbolism is designed to obscure. Red beads were used to call forth the red spirit for strong love relations, to heal from illness, and to pray for longevity. (Note: the above could be read by multiple voices). Not just sweet Rain, but also the powerful Thunderbeings. The following meditation techniques use visualization as a tool for inner transformation. And what about the Wind and the Sea and the Mountains? And Im in a place in my life right now where I dont care to push the river. I have [], Two times in the last two weeks I was feeling incredibly depleted and fatigued. The West is black and it represents the death of summers cycle. Then create the determination to sit still for the period of the meditation. Old values die when we acquire superior knowledge. The direction of the South is about the work we do in the world, the love we offer the world; it is about our passions and our purpose. Words are offered to the East so they may fly and soar with Spirit. East tells us that it is time to get up, wake up . The Dance of the Four Directions is a slow moving meditation dance, honoring the medicine and spiritual energies of the four directions - east, south, west and north. And the direction I naturally chose was west, looking out over the vast San Luis Valley. Its also worth noting at this point that the layout of a Masonic lodge is designed on the biblical Temple of Solomon. It is the source of light, and inspirationthe source of life itself. It is also the beginning of understanding because light helps us see things the way they really are. Our services complement the medical care provided by traditional . In many traditions, the north is associated with darkness which in turn has been translated by commentators to relate with fear and ignorance. In the process of self-development, it is important to study how the subconscious mind works so we can identify weaknesses, attitudes and traits of character that no longer serve us. a quiet place to sit. The Navajo Four Cardinal Directions. It also explains why American tribes dedicated the West to the Keeper of Death. It's stated that "all sentient beings are sustained by nutriment" (sabbe satt hrahitik) in the Sagti Sutta (DN 33). We acknowledge the Black Bear, who sits in the West direction and is both the keeper of medicine knowledge and grower of the medicines. King Solomon, known for his wisdom, is associated with the heart chakra. MEDITATION NAME: PLAY: DOWNLOAD: SOURCE * Net of Light \/ Book 1, pg 165 ** Claiming and Holding Sacred Space \/ Book 2, pg 259: The Pitcher and the Cup \/ Book 1, pg 167: Rose of the Heart Meditation \/ Book 1, pg 174: Circle of Stones \/ Book 2, pg 261 ** Fabric of Being Meditation \/ Book 1, pg 173: Great Spirit of Love, come to me with the power of the North (white). You can experience lightness by gliding your finger up and down and feeling how light it feels. And there are only four elements in life: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. You start this process through meditation, prayer or making a wish. Creator, hear my prayer, and honor my prayer. Imagine the birds, turning and wheeling in the air, imagine the breeze blowing through your hair. Mental states cannot appear in the conscious mind until they have emerged from the unconscious and becomes a realisation in the conscious mind. Through the dynamic Four Directions Meditation, we'll . So, I have decided to take a break from writing this blog for a while. And when you know this, the cycles of existence portrayed by the four directions makes much more sense. Whatever energies you project from the unconscious (below), come to the surface (above). tai chi. Just as the Rains often come from the West, Water is associated with this direction. * I choose, sometimes, to capitalize words not generally capitalized in order to imbue them with more sacredness. As you explore what each direction represents, you will find tools that improve your relationship with and understanding of Animal Spirits and Guides. For understanding of life cycles I work with the four directions of the medicine wheel: East, South, West, and North. The highest point consciousness can reach is when a new understanding is born. The east is associated with the mind, with knowledge and learning and intellectual curiosity. In essence, a new aspect of reality which is what the Earth motif represents. The animals representing the North include white buffalo, moose, and bear. We ask the Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the South to remind us that the end our days is no more sad than the end of a single day, and that the end is often better than the beginning. In addition, we will honour three more directions: the sky and our Creator above us, the Earth our mother beneath our feet, and ourselves, the direction within. In the bible, east is repeatedly used as a symbolic tool in the creation story of Genesis. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The teacher stands facing due north and holds out her arms. Essentially, we need to change our habitual thinking in order to reprogram the subconscious mind. In the Northern Hemisphere, it makes sense that we associate the south, towards the equator, with the warmth of the sun and the heat of the flame. It is direct communication with the subconscious mind - a major clue to the esoteric interpretation of the four cardinal points. Mondays @ 9am pst: Dharma Talk and Meditation - Part talk, part meditation; this class will set the tone and outline the ideas we will cover throughout the week. North: Earth, balance and wisdom. May I take great care of you so that my children and my childrens children They explain the evolution of consciousness by revealing how thoughts shape your personality and create our experiences in life. By honouring all of these directions, we will have honoured all that is. Or is it the south when the sun is at its highest point in the sky..? Now, I invite you to turn toward the direction that calls to you today. It is recorded from a peaceful state park in my area, and it is not always easy to find a silent location from which to pray - but all is a part of the Great Mystery, so as you hear occasional traffic, and an incessantly loud airplane, notice also the cicadas, the birds and the . Spirit keeper of the South, Wolf, Be with me. West: Water, feeling and reflection. We still use light as a symbolic mechanism to represent ideas; think lightbulbs in a skull. This is the anchor for the meditation. From here, the center of our being, we can reach out to all directions, and to all our relations. The life of man is a circle from childhood to childhood and so it is in everything where power moves. We will examine what this means, why it is important to learn about the four nutriments, how we go the four wrong ways when we crave the four nutriments, and how to meditate or contemplate these insight or . for transformation. Teach me to soar to new places, to fly wing to wing with Spirit, Place one palmon the earthand the otherarm up, Mother Earth- Pachamama The unconscious is typically described as emptiness, nothingness, the void or the Abyss. In, from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being., 10 Ways Unhealthy Lifestyles Wreck Your Immune System, Psychology 101: The 12 Major Archetypes And Their Shadows », Depression Linked With Chronic Stress Says New Study. The esoteric symbolism within the four directions encompasses the relationship and the similarities between man and the Universe. The Medicine Wheel can take many different forms. The Freemasons associate north with darkness, which in turn is symbolic for ignorance. To begin, take some deep breaths, let go of mental preoccupations and align with your hearts intention to create sacred space. A Four Directions Meditation. On the shamanic medicine wheel, north is considered to be night and a place of nothingness where we return to the Great Mystery which will be ignited in the East. The north represents purity, meditation and intuition - sometimes called "Soul Retrieval.". The place of self or the sacred fire of the self which is the center of all paths. The summer holds fertility, passion, growth, joy, and peace. A few years ago when I asked an audience how many people did a meditation practice on a daily basis or knew what Reiki was - very few would raise their hands. Is Quantum Entanglement the Key to Spiritual Ascension? We add to this water each year, symbolizing the way we come together in our community as individual drops join into a mighty river. Wind, or air, incidentally relates to states of mind. We acknowledge sage, the medicine of the south direction, and acknowledge fire, and the warmth that it gives us. The animal often associated with the West is the Bear. As you give to all the earth your warm, moving wind, give to me, so that I may grow close to you in warmth. Whatever you create in your life is acquired by your attitudes, beliefs and application. The Medicine Wheel, or Wheel of Life, is represented by the four directions. Guided Meditation ~ Songlines of the New Earth $ 12.00 Add to cart; Guided Meditation ~ The . Reiki . We are an essential part of life. Remind me of how to let go and shed old ways of being This ceremony will acknowledge the seven sacred directions. </p><p>The Reiki Lifestyle Podcast: The podcast where we talk about all things Reiki! In the third verse, God says, let there be light (fire). The point of awakening is the awakening of knowledge in the conscious mind and not the act of waking in the morning. To do that we have to consciously make sacrifices. However, as you will be aware, it is what we do with knowledge that is the important factor. Great Serpent Negative interpretations in relation to the south can certainly be found in Christian interpretations of the Bible. The North represents the Winter of our Life. If your personal programs are polluted with the false Truths fed to you by society, parents, teachers, political leaders, the media and church dogma, make the decision to transform your corrupted programs now and replace them with programs that will enable you to cultivate a richer, superior quality of life. Furthermore, in ancient symbolism, the element of water is associated with the female principle, a Goddess in many guises which represents love-based emotions, dedication and nurturing. God has assigned four of his archangels to be in charge of the four cardinal points on Earth, believers say, directing their energy toward helping human beings balance different parts of their lives harmoniously. When you consider that we learn to adopt new habits, beliefs and attitudes through our actions, you can see how fire can help us to regenerate negative energy and transform it into positive energy. I have placed a comfortable chair looking directly out that window. The first time it was after driving 2000 miles across the country in four days by myself the third and longest day was through gale force Kansas winds that shook my car so thoroughly I had to slow way down [], On a long 2,000 mile car trip across the country recently, I found myself with some time to think. Through each of these symbolic mechanisms, you will see how the cycle of creation is revealed in the four directions. I pray for my relations in Nature, all those who walk, crawl, fly, and swim, seen and unseen, and to the good spirits that exist in every part of Creation. During my research, I discovered the mainstream view follows the directions in a clockwise sequence. Here on our altar, we have the symbolic elements for each direction, and we will travel through the meanings associated with each direction before entering into a time of meditation. Symbolically, this cardinal point implies setting an intention prior to meditation, saying a prayer or making a wish before you go to sleep. For me it has to do with the habit of being busy and right now in my life it is just thata habit. West comes before east. Let's examine these directions, one by one: East: Qedem, Mizrach, Motsa. I was presentwhen he laid the foundations of the earth, I was with him and I regulated all things.. Gently close your eyes. We begin in the East, toward the rising sun. It is through the characteristics of the sun that modern words meaning to acquire knowledge or to understand something are derived; illumination, enlightenment. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. When he prepared the heavens. Ancient Ones Air is related to mental states, namely creativity and intellect. The Elders tell us that all ceremonies, be they tribal or personal, must be entered into with a good heart, so that we can pray, sing, and walk in a sacred manner, and be helped by the spirits to enter the sacred realm. So I tried that. The West is where the thunder beings live and storms are born and gather strength. But the other day, during a meditation, for the first time I felt this at a deeper level. Help me to listen to the quiet, and find serenity and comfort in the silences as they become longer. Teach me how to transform my fears into love The circle is the earth, the moon and the planets. Though it can be deadly when consumed improperly, some cultures eat it for sustenance after boiling away its toxins. In fact, the mycelia of the mushroom intertwine with the roots of the tree in a mycorrhizal relationshipin this case, a positive symbiosis. Science reveals through the. The typical sequence of the four directions starts with the east and flows in a clockwise direction. And when you know this, the cycles of existence portrayed by the four directions makes much more sense. Both the exoteric viewpoint and my esoteric theory relate to cycles of life, hence the common relationship between the four cardinal points, the seasons and time of day. Its spokes point east, south, west, and north. Members of Masonic orders enter a lodge in the north-east. When I faced the North, I felt the lack of Sun. Earlier, we established waters (consciousness) existed before anything else. I invite you to try praying and meditating facing different directions. This also falls in line with all other symbolic mechanisms assigned to the, Other examples of four symbolism in relation to physical nature include the, To reveal the esoteric mystery of the four directions, however, it is pertinent to analyse their meanings alongside the, We see this concept expressed through the symbolism of the four elements for example. Set a reminder to locate true north intermittently throughout the day; for example, at sunrise, midday and sunset, use a compass to find north. The Four Directions are honored in many indigenous cultures including the Celtic, Aboriginal, and Native American traditions. Everything you experience in your daily life is a projection of information stored within the unconscious and rendered in an archetypal form that is reflected in the gods of ancient mythology together with animal totems, tools, gemstones, magical weapons and aspects of nature. This element fuels our passion, but will also fuel anger in people that cannot control their emotions. By the end, I hope to have revealed how the esoteric meaning of the sequence reveals more about your psychology. How you manifest energy is determined by your thoughts emotions and actions. Fire is a vital energy that brings consciousness to life. They are Uriel (north), Michael (south), Raphael (east), and Gabriel (west). This mountain is like a beacon to many of us who live here in this small town. Let me remember always that you give the gift of a new day. Very still. While there is some contention around this theory, there are a number of undeniable motifs connecting Santas yearly trip drawn by flying reindeer, and the analogous rituals of an isolated peoples use of the psychedelic Amanita muscaria mushroom. West: Water, feeling and reflection. . Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. When the smoke vanishes, so too does the negativity that came from within. Given the sun rises in the east to signal the dawn of a new day, it made sense for the ancient sages to relate this natural phenomenon with the dawn of a new phase of life. In China, the four date back to at least the 2nd century BC. Egypt - the enemy of the Israelites - is south of the promised land (of enlightenment). The four directions are ways of connecting with the seasons of our lives, and understanding them greatly assists in coming into .,, Using Rebirth to Treat Psychological Disorders. With that in mind, it is clear to see that the west symbolically represents the point when thoughts and emotions enter the conscious mind from the subconscious mind. In many traditions, the four directions offer a deeper understanding of our place in the world. West is the direction of the Elders, and we honour our Elders as the keepers of wisdom and teachers of patience. Gaia guides people on their personal transformational paths with the worlds largest library of exclusive and original conscious media. Find a quiet place to sit. When sacred space is created, the veils between the physical and spiritual worlds begin to thin and transformation ensues. This is a common practice among indigenous people. Wisdom of the Four Directions Apprenticeship includes 5 months of one-on-one mentorship, including 1 & 1/2 hour weekly individual mentorship & teaching sessions including energy healing techniques with recordings, seperate sound healing audios and guided meditations designed for apprentices only, a 200+ page resource manual with educational . Our Teepees were round like the nests of birds and these were always set in a circle, the nations hoop, a nest of many nests where the Great Spirit meant for us to hatch our children. from Black Elk Speaks, pp. Let me move through life ready to take what comes from the north. Noble Eight-fold Path Right view (samma-ditthi) Right intention (samma-sankappa) Right . But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. I also pray for peace among the four races of humankind. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Meditation and the Four Virtues A synthesis of classical virtue and meditation. We now turn to the North, the direction of the winter that covers the Earth with a sparkling crystal carpet above whose deep tranquility every sound is beautiful. Tell the children you May your kindness abound like hydrogen, which fuels every star. And it is so important that you are mindful of your thoughts. In the Teachings of the Four Directions we begin in the East, then to North and West, ending in the South. January 20, 2015 by Harold Carey Jr. East - Ha'a'aah South - Shdi'h West - E'e'aah North - Nhookos. In every ancient myth that recites a creation story, water is always present. In the clockwise sequence, Noon is the time of day linked with the south, as this is when the sun is at its highest point. South: Fire, transformation and action. The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power; in his justice and great righteousness, he does not oppress. Just as the Rains often come from the West, Water is associated with this direction. . qi gong. 4) Fix your attention on your breath without changing your breath; just notice it. It is the direction of inspiration the word that literally means to take in air. This ceremony will acknowledge the seven sacred directions. We are also told that religions typically follow a clockwise direction when walking around temples to keep the right hand closest to the alter. Do your best to slow down your thoughts and be open to the wisdom the four directions have for you. Privacy Policy. We move around the wheel to the south. From the point of view of. For those looking for an otherworldly experience, its ibotenic acid-rich contents have led many on. We are also told this pattern expresses the four seasons, the time of day, and the evolution of life. One of the major tools given to us are the plant medicines. In times past it was believed that the human soul shared characteristics with all things divine. Metempsychotic. Initiates stand here because they symbolically represent the future of the lodge. Reduced stress. Just notice all that isbirth and death, opportunity and tragedy, good fortune and lost . North represents the time of Lifes closing (not ending, for all of Life is a Wheel and what follows the North is the East, new beginnings.) Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. I feel very grateful to have felt at a deeper energetic level the power of the four directions. The element of the east is air, represented on our altar by a feather. To achieve the results you want, you have to apply the right attitude and beliefs. Bring healing to the people I love and to myself. An epithet in the Cathedral of Paris dedicated to the Mass of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin reads: The Lord possessed me at the beginning of his way. It is said that the smoke attaches itself to those things within us that are negative, and will carry these things away, if we allow it. In order for life to exist in any form, these four elements must exist. You can also join Gaia as a contributing author and help us connect readers to people and ideas that fuel a conscious life. Ancient cultures teach us to allow consciousness to guide you because it will lead you to Self-realisation. The four directions help to explain how we do that. Car trips can be good that way. Directions The Cardinal Directions are another characteristic of the Divine Universe that connects us all with nature and spirit. What is important to remember is that the subconscious mind behaves to the patterns of your conscious thoughts. However, the west wind is also associated with lightning - a symbol that connects heaven and earth or the ethereal realm with the physical realm. This is what Freud term precognition. We must always listen to our hearts, the tiny Elder within us who can never lie, and never mislead us. Is it possible that the folktale we know and love about Santa Claus finds its roots in the psychedelic mushroom-eating shamanism of people living in boreal regions of Europe? In the third verse, God says, let there be light (fire). Circle is the potential for transformation smoke vanishes, so too does negativity! The Keeper of death and be open to the quiet, and Earth of creation is revealed the! Is how most people live their lives without even realising they are Uriel meditation on the four directions! 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