(C) In Ducts or Hoods. instant-start lamps which of the following is an HD ballast category? It is part of the National Fire Code series published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), a private trade association. Live Parts. The raceway used for the tap conductor must be at least 450 mm (18 in.) However, in locations such as small alcoves or similar areas where 4 inch cans are installed, we may find problems. D5(b) Optional Calculation for Multifamily Dwelling Served at 208Y/120 Volts, Three Phase, Example No. Many of the items have been created directly as a result of disaster conditions through history. Additional Requirements. True Which of the following can be thought of as the foundation of an electrical system? The housing for the lighting track system shall be of substantial construction to maintain rigidity. Lampholders of the screw shell type shall be installed for use as lampholders only. Now we know the locations that we are allowed to install the luminaire related to the defined storage area. . If you see a cord plugged into a device on a trackthat is a violation. nec article 410 contains requirements for installing. Support. Equip ment having an open-circuit voltage exceeding 300 volts shall not be installed in dwelling occupancies unless such equipment is designed so that there will be no exposed live parts when lamps are being inserted, are in place, or are being removed. Once the job is complete, it is not unusual for all kinds of inventive wiring methods to start, but those are well beyond our control. Luminaire Studs. Access to Boxes. Secondary Conductors. Electric-discharge luminaires equipped with a flanged surface inlet shall be permitted to be supplied by cord pendants equipped with cord connectors. Electric-discharge and LED luminaires surface mounted over concealed outlet, pull, or junction boxes and designed not to be supported solely by the outlet box shall be provided with suitable openings in the back of the luminaire to provide access to the wiring in the box. Luminaires shall be permitted to be connected to busways in accordance with 368.17(C). Making this call once or twice, pretty well solved the problem in our area. 410.48 Luminaire Wiring General. 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Randy Hunter is an instructor and consultant specializing in electrical code and installations, and co-owner of Hunter Technical Services. Electric-discharge lighting systems with an open- circuit voltage exceeding 1000 volts shall be listed and installed in conformance with that listing. Separate Mounting. All luminaires installed in wet locations shall be marked, "Suitable for Wet Locations ." What about single pin lamps? Lighting track shall be supplied by a branch circuit having a rating not more than that of the track. New Section 406.13 contains requirements for single-pole separable connector type receptacles, commonly referred to as "cam-lock" connectors. Chain-supported lumin aires used in a show window shall be permitted to be externally wired. They shall be securely fastened to the track, shall maintain polarization and connections to the equipment grounding conductor, and shall be designed to be suspended directly from the track. Luminaires installed in corrosive locations shall be of a type suitable for such locations. Luminaires shall be constructed, installed, or equipped with shades or guards so that combustible material is not subjected to temper atures in excess of 90C (194F). Some of the "quick" requirements include: The authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) must approve all electrical conductors and equipment [Sec. Raceway Fittings. Locations Not Permitted. Exposure to Damage. You cannot support a fixture by the screw shell of a lampholder if it weighs more than 3 kg (6 lb.) Lampholders. Such luminaires shall be permitted to have an additional guard. For example, if we install an 8-inch diameter drum type fixture that uses incandescent lamps, we find that the fixture must have a 12-inch clearance to the storage location. Connection of Electric-Discharge and LED Luminaires. Im not going to cover every one of these items in detail, but please be aware that units installed in wet or damp locations have to be listed for the appropriate location and should prevent water from entering a wiring compartment. Recessed high-intensity luminaires designed to be installed in wall or ceiling cavities shall have thermal protec tion and be identified as thermally protected. Individual showcases, other than fixed, shall be permitted to be connected by flexible cord to permanently installed receptacles, and groups of not more than six such showcases shall be permitted to be coupled together by flexible cord and separable locking-type connec tors with one of the group connected by flexible cord to a permanently installed receptacle. Decorative lighting and similar accessories used for holiday lighting and similar purposes, in accordance with 590.3(B), shall be listed. This type of luminaire (fixture) must comply with Sections 410.65 through 410-72. D8 Motor Circuit Conductors, Overload Protection, and Short-Circuit and Ground-Fault Protection, Example No. 410.160 Listing of Decorative Lighting. in any dimension. Part V reviews the grounding requirements and basically states that if a luminaire or lighting equipment has metal parts, it shall be grounded. These connectors are required to be listed and be of the locking or latching type. Several codes regulate the use of artificial lighting. Splices and Taps. Total Cards. Wiring of cranes and hoists. Inherently Protected. A luminaire that weighs more than 3 kg (6 lb) or exceeds 400 mm (16 in.) Since the closet doors are generally closed, if the fixture is left on and overheats items in the closet, the resulting fire could go unnoticed for quite some time. Electrical Rating. XVI. The installation shall comply with 410.59(A) through (E). D2(b) Optional Calculation for One-Family Dwelling, Air Conditioning Larger than Heating [See 220.82(A) and 220.82(C)], Example No. Suspended Ceilings. As we all know, heat rises, and a heat pocket is created within each fixture. Prescriptive steps for connecting and disconnecting are provided and must be provided on the equipment. After a while, the inspectors actually began to know and recognize the products and the trims on sight. Type. Article 410 is another example of an article in Chapter 4 of the NEC that often doesn't get a lot of emphasis from multi-trade inspectors. Receptacles, Connectors, and Attachment Plugs. So, we have to picture the cube directly over the tub or shower, extending 3 feet out from the edge and 8 foot above the unit. 410.70 Combustible Shades and Enclosures. 410.8 Inspection. In Part III of 410, we cover mainly outlet boxes and canopies for luminaires. Luminaires shall be of such construction or installed so that the conductors in outlet boxes shall not be subjected to temperatures greater than that for which the conductors are rated.Branch-circuit wiring, other than 2-wire or multiwire branch circuits supplying power to luminaires connected together, shall not be passed through an outlet box that is an integral part of a luminaire unless the luminaire is identified for through-wiring.Informational Note: See 410.64(C) for wiring supplying power to luminaires connected together. It is part of the National Fire Code series published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), a private trade association. The details are found in 410.10(D), where we describe a zone in which no luminaire may be installed. Raceway fittings used to support a luminaire(s) shall be capable of supporting the weight of the complete fixture assembly and lamp(s). Enterprise Application Integration: New Solutions for a Solved Problem or a Challenging Research Field? Scope. Normally, luminaires (fixtures) cannot be used as raceways. You might ask why this requirement applies to double ended lamp units only. 2014 Code Language: 410.130 (G) Disconnecting means. 410.10 (D) Bathtub and Shower Areas. Exposed accessible terminals in lampholders and switches shall not be installed in metal luminaire canopies or in open bases of portable table or floor luminaires.Exception: Cleat-type lampholders located at least 2.5 m (8 ft) above the. Electrical Level 1 - Chapter 26105-14. Luminaires or lamp installation shall be controlled either singly or in groups by an externally operable switch or circuit breaker that opens all ungrounded primary conductors. Lighting track shall be grounded in accord ance with Article 250, and the track sections shall be securely coupled to maintain continuity of the circuitry, polarization, and grounding throughout. Special Provisions for Electric-Discharge Lighting Systems of More Than 1000 Volts. Thermal protection shall not be required in a recessed high-intensity luminaire whose design, construction, and thermal performance characteristics are equivalent to a thermally protected luminaire and are identi fied as inherently protected. General. In 410.16, Clearance and Installation, the requirements are covered depending on the type of luminaire. 410.56 Protection of Conductors and Insulation. They look the same in size and design, especially during construction. Conductors shall be arranged so that they are not subjected to tempera tures above those for which they are rated. Where showcases are cord- connected, the secondary circuit(s) of each electric-discharge lighting ballast shall be limited to one showcase. Luminaires shall be constructed such that adjacent combustible material is not subject to tempera tures in excess of 90C (194F). This month we will continue the series of articles covering basic electrical inspection items. Instant start lamps Which of the following is an HID ballast category? See ANSI/ASTM E842015a,StandardTest Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materialsor ANSI/UL 7232013,Standard for Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. Metallic guards shall be grounded by means of an equip ment grounding conductor run with circuit conductors within the power-supply cord. Luminaire Stems. Recessed Remote Ballasts. Insulating joints that are not designed to be mounted with screws or bolts shall have an exterior metal casing, insulated from both screw connections. Everyone knows what a closet is, right? This may create inspection issues, as Ive seen these cord- and plug-connected and hung in various ways that I didnt consider permanent. Part II of Article 410 deals with locations of luminaires and some of the conditions related to certain locations due to the hazards that may be involved. The fixtures must be installed in a manner so that water will not enter or collect in the lampholder, wireway, etc. Transformers of the oil-filled type shall not be used. Luminaires that have exposed ballasts, transformers, LED drivers, or power supplies shall be installed such that ballasts, transformers, LED drivers, or power supplies shall not be in contact with combustible material unless listed for such condition. General-purpose electrical equipment includes heaters, switches, receptacles, and cords. The electrical rating shall include the voltage and frequency and shall indicate the current rating of the unit, including the ballast, transformer, LED driver, power supply, or autotransformer. Auxiliary equipment for electric-discharge lamps shall be enclosed in noncombustible cases and treated as sources of heat. Exception No. NEC Article 410 contains requirements for installing recessed lighting fixtures which of the following contain ballasts that provide high voltage across the lamp's electrodes at startup, causing then to emit electrons? This article continues to grow as new lighting technology is developed. The fittings cannot have general-purpose receptacles. The clearance between the luminaire (fixture) and nearest point of storage must be 150 mm (6 in.). Construction. nec article 410 contains requirements for installingcushion foundation case nec article 410 contains requirements for installing That is how is was permitted as well. NEC Article 410 contains requirements for installing _____. For inspections related to location of a luminaire within a closet, we cant install the luminaire within the modified cube shape described in the definition. 410.14 Luminaires in Show Windows. Luminaire studs that are not a part of outlet boxes, hickeys, tripods, and crowfeet shall be made of steel, malleable iron, or other material suitable for the applica tion. Rating. A lumin aire requiring supply wire rated higher than 60C (140F) shall be marked with the minimum supply wire temperature rating on the luminaire and shipping carton or equivalent. Therefore, a requirement was added to include a lens to prevent this occurrence. More Info NFPA 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace Keep up to date on electrical workplace safety with NFPA 70E. However, the requirements within this article are important to know and enforce. The luminaire (fixture) construction must ensure that the combustible material will not be subjected to temperatures over 194F. The secondary circuit voltage shall not exceed 15,000 volts, nominal, under any load condition. IAEIs Online Training allows you to learn at your own pace or live with an expert instructor, from the comfort of your laptop or PC. 410.130 (G) Disconnecting means. Each fitting attached to a heavy-duty lighting track shall have individ ual overcurrent protection. This was an inspection item which often resulted in a rejected final, due to luminaire substitutions, the wrong luminaire being used for that location, or modifications to the closet that changed the shelf location. Marking. 4: A disconnecting means shall not be required in industrial establishments with restricted public access where conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons service the installation by written procedures. Wiring on or within luminaires shall be neatly arranged and shall not be exposed to physical damage. 410.54 Pendant Conductors for Incandescent Filament Lamps. Luminaires and lampholders shall be securely supported. Elevator cables. Depending on the type of lighting used, whether incandescent, fluorescent, or LED, surface-mounted or flush-mounted, this section lists clearances to the nearest storage space. The canopyshall be permitted to include a section of raceway not over150 mm (6 in.) Remember that this is a minimum requirement, and the weight of some of the track luminaires with fluorescent (ballast) or LED drivers may be quite heavy. Conductor insulation shall be protected from abrasion where it passes through metal. Luminaires identified for through- wiring, as permitted by 410.21, shall be permitted to be used as a raceway. Luminaires shall be permitted to be installed in commercial cooking hoods where all of the follow ing conditions are met: The luminaire shall be identified for use within commer cial cooking hoods and installed such that the tempera ture limits of the materials used are not exceeded. Equipment that has an open- circuit voltage exceeding 1000 volts shall not be installed in or on dwelling occupancies. A metal pole shall be provided with an equipment grounding terminal as follows: A pole with a handhole shall have the equipment grounding terminal accessible from the handhole. Components of lighting track systems of different voltages shall not be inter changeable. Exception No. In a completed installa tion, each outlet box shall be provided with a cover unless covered by means of a luminaire canopy, lampholder, recepta cle, or similar device. Wet and Damp Locations. The 2020 NEC in Article 410 contains a new Part XVI entitled Special Provisions for Horticultural Lighting Equipment. Exit Luminaires. Please take time to read the scope of this article in 410.1. Special bases or other devi ces shall be used for over 1500 watts. He holds ten inspections certifications from IAEI and ICC. The National Electrical Code (NEC), or NFPA 70, is a regionally adoptable standard for the safe installation of electrical wiring and equipment in the United States. Stranding. One of the requirements is that these units must have a thermal protection device that will disconnect the lamp if the temperature limit is exceeded. Decorative Lighting and Similar Accessories, Annex C. Conduit and Tubing Fill Tables for Conductors and Fixture Wires of the Same Size, Pocket Guide to the National Electrical Code(R), 2005 Edition (8th Edition), Article 410 Luminaires (Lighting Fixtures), Lampholders, and Lamps, Article 110 Requirements for Electrical Installations, Article 200 Use and Identification of Grounded Conductors, Article 220 Branch-Circuit, Feeder, and Service Calculations, Article 225 Outside Branch Circuits and Feeders, Article 285 Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors (TVSSs), Article 310 Conductors for General Wiring, Article 312 Cabinets, Cutout Boxes, and Meter Socket Enclosures, Article 314 Outlet, Device, Pull, and Junction Boxes; Conduit Bodies; Fittings; and Handhole Enclosures, Article 322 Flat Cable Assemblies Type FC, Article 324 Flat Conductor Cable Type FCC, Article 326 Integrated Gas Spacer Cable Type IGS, Article 332 Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed Cable Type MI, Article 334 Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable Types NM, NMC, and NMS, Article 336 Power and Control Tray Cable Type TC, Article 338 Service-Entrance Cable Types SE and USE, Article 340 Underground Feeder and Branch-Circuit Cable Type UF, Article 342 Intermediate Metal Conduit Type IMC, Article 348 Flexible Metal Conduit Type FMC, Article 350 Liquidtight Flexible Metal Conduit Type LFMC, Article 352 Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit Type RNC, Article 353 High Density Polyethylene Conduit Type HDPE Conduit, Article 354 Nonmetallic Underground Conduit with Conductors Type NUCC, Article 356 Liquidtight Flexible Nonmetallic Conduit Type LFNC, Article 358 Electrical Metallic Tubing Type EMT, Article 360 Flexible Metallic Tubing Type FMT, Article 362 Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing Type ENT, Article 374 Cellular Metal Floor Raceways, Article 394 Concealed Knob-and-Tube Wiring, Article 406: Receptacles, Cord Connectors, and Attachment Plugs (Caps), Article 408: Switchboards and Panelboards, Article 410: Luminaires (Lighting Fixtures), Lampholders, and Lamps, Article 411: Lighting Systems Operating at 30 Volts or Less, Article 424: Fixed Electric Space Heating Equipment, Article 426: Fixed Outdoor Electric De-Icing and Snow-Melting Equipment, Article 427: Fixed Electric Heating Equipment for Pipelines and Vessels, Article 430: Motors, Motor Circuits, and Controllers, Article 440: Air Conditioning and Refrigerating Equipment, Article 500 Hazardous (Classified) Locations, Classes I, II, and III, Divisions 1 and 2, Article 645 Information Technology Equipment, Article 701 Legally Required Standby Systems, Annex C. Conduit and Tubing Fill Tables for Conductors and Fixture Wires of the Same Size, Example No. Transformers shall be enclosed, identified for the use, and listed. Incandescent luminaires with open or partially enclosed lamps and pendant luminaires or lampholders shall not be permitted. Constant wattage autotransformer Light enters the eye through a transparent layer called the c./cornea Which of the following materials absorbs the most light? Portable handlamps shall not be required to be grounded where supplied through an isolating transformer with an ungrounded secondary of not over 50 volts. GET YOUR CEUS TODAY, 1998-2021. Luminaires installed on dc circuits shall be equipped with auxiliary equipment and resistors designed for dc operation. Transformers shall have a secondary short-circuit current rating of not more than 150 mA if the open-circuit volt age is over 7500 volts, and not more than 300 mA if the open- circuit voltage rating is 7500 volts or less. It is permitted, however, if the luminaire (fixture) is listed for that use. The first definition found in 410.2 is for closet storage space. Wet and Damp Locations. This location is permitted only in nonresidential cooking areas and is subject to four specific conditions. 410.46 Equipment Grounding Conductor Attachment. Items such as marking for electrical ratings and warnings for combustibles, conductor and cord usage, and connections are covered. Some of the articles include provisions pertaining to switches, receptacles, switchboards and panelboards, industrial control panels, luminaires, appliances, air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment, and transformers. The switch or circuit breaker shall be located within sight from the luminaires or lamps, or it shall be permitted to be located elsewhere if it is lockable in accordance with 110.25. D4(b) Optional Calculation for Multifamily Dwelling, Example No. 410.62 Cord-Connected Lampholders and Luminaires. Where supplied by the ungrounded conductors of a circuit, the switching device of lampholders of the switched type shall simultaneously disconnect both conductors of the circuit. The electrical service equipment b. Luminaires, portable luminaires, lamphold ers, and lamps shall have no live parts normally exposed to contact. You probably guessedit is the last item in Article 410, and it states that holiday lighting shall be in accordance with Article 590.3(B). For example, if the illumination equipment is in a hazardous location, apply Articles 500 through 517. This work is often done with the person standing on a ladder, which adds another degree of danger. Only luminaires of the following types shall be permitted in a closet: Surface-mounted or recessed incandescent or LED luminaires with completely enclosed light sources, Surface-mounted or recessed fluorescent luminaires, Surface-mounted fluorescent or LED luminaires identi fied as suitable for installation within the closet storage space. I have seen the insulation pieces laying around numerous times and the way our jurisdiction stopped the practice is that we made them buy new fixtures. Diffusers shall be resistant to thermal shock. Conductors that have insulation suitable for the temperature encountered shall be used. Also in part (B), the clearance to any insulation is required to be at least 3 inches. More times than not, these custom one-of-a-kind units are not typically listed and labeled by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL). 410.18 Space for Cove Lighting. in length and intended to facilitate the connection to an outlet box mounted above a suspended ceiling. NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC) Softbound Order the reorganized and updated NFPA 70 , National Electrical Code (NEC ), 2023 edition, today and get the latest requirements for electrical installations. The means for providing illumination has gone through numerous changes over the centuries, from oil lamps to incandescent bulbs, to fluorescent tubes and LEDs. He has been a master electrician since 1988. A means to connect an equipment ground must be provided for a metal luminaire (fixture). Temperature. NEC Article 410 contains requirements for installing recessed lighting fixtures causing them to emit electrons? 400.10 Uses Permitted (A) Uses Flexible cords and flexible cables shall be used only for the following: Pendants. These changes can be found in Article 690, Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems. Open-Circuit Voltage Exceeding 300 Volts. Part IV is titled Luminaire Supports. A brief note regarding 410.18 Space for Cove Lighting: the code states that cove lighting shall have adequate space so that lamps and equipment can be properly installed and serviced. Often we find shelves that hold cardboard boxes or garments that are easily ignited if in contact with a heat source. So at first, the contractor had to field install these devices, but eventually manufacturers started to ship units with the disconnects installed. This becomes a challenge because insulation has the tendency to go everywhere if it is blown in; or if it is batt insulation, it may eventually fall onto a fixture. The terminals of an electric- discharge lamp shall be considered as energized where any lamp terminal is connected to a circuit of over 300 volts. but not more than 1.8 m (6 ft) in length. Installed in Poured Concrete. Wiring Supplying Luminaires (Fixtures) Connected Together, VII. Lamp tie wires, mount ing screws, clips, and decorative bands on glass spaced at least 38 mm (112in.) The NEC specifies a few requirements for outlet boxes, inspection, suspended ceilings, luminaire (fixture) studs, insulating joints, raceway fittings, busways, and trees. We have two types of recessed cans (as they are commonly called): the non-IC type and the IC type; and IC stands for Insulation Contact. Combustible Material. However, the requirements within this article are important to know and enforce. 410.73 (G) Handbook Commentary Section 410.73 (G) was added to the 2005 Code with an effective date of January 1, 2008. . Luminaires listed and marked for use as a raceway shall be permitted to be used as a raceway. Excess wiring shall be avoided. with a cover suitable for use in wet locations to provide access to the supply terminations within the pole or pole base.Exception No. tion of any part of the wiring unless the luminaires are connec ted by attachment plugs and receptacles. Unless an individual switch is provided for each luminaire, lampholders shall be located at least 2.5 m (8 ft) above the floor or shall be located or guarded so that the lamps cannot be readily removed or damaged. Fastening. Lampholders installed over highly combustible material shall be of the unswitched type. So on a non-IC type we must have a 1/2 inch space from any recessed parts to combustibles, excluding the support or finish trims. Also, locations such as those that are corrosive or within ducts or hoods each have limitations you will want to review within 410.10 if inspecting these areas. Luminaires in Indoor Sports, Mixed-Use, and All-Purpose Facilities. Secondary circuit outputs shall not be connected in parallel or in series. Circuit breakers Circuit breakers must be capable of being opened and closed by hand. Metal Halide Lamp Containment. I will not cover each of these here, please review them on your own so that you will be aware of what is in this part of the code. Multiwire Branch Circuits. constant wattage autotransformer You may need to comply with more stringent requirements for lights than those contained in Article 410. Since the housing is concealed within the ceiling, we dont necessarily know what is close to or in contact with the luminaire housing. Lets examine the requirements of the NEC, IES, and other standards. Outdoor luminaires and associated equipment shall be permitted to be supported by trees. Luminaires are connec ted by attachment plugs and receptacles areas where 4 inch cans are installed we! Installation shall comply with more stringent requirements for installing recessed lighting fixtures causing them to electrons... Recognize the products and the trims on sight wiring Supplying luminaires ( fixtures ) connected Together, VII through! Prevent this occurrence wattage autotransformer Light enters the eye through a transparent layer called the c./cornea which of track! 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