My expertise with land use and urban design policy makes me the ideal candidate to lead the council in these efforts. Showing interactive content. Fowler said green building standards and encouraging walkability and bikeability so people get out of their cars and stop driving are key to reducing air pollution, while Raskin hopes to see more electric vehicles, more trees and more efficient buildings. Berg targeted Wharton several times for the citys metrics for affordable housing and accused him of taking money from developers. The lack of police (down over 130 sworn officers) is leading to an epidemic of crime where the 10,000 911 callers a month are placed on hold (up to 50 at one time). Occupation: Architectural consultant, coffee business owner, National Guard member. Preserving the local built history helps enhance Salt Lake City's character, livability, and sustainability. We know that the communities who use an intentional strategy and rigorous decision-making are the ones that manage successful growth. We can build more housing while also preserving our historic places, neighborhood character and green space, especially if we first focus on infill and adding to underutilized properties.. SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 7. At the same time, I have crafted policies that preserve the oldest historic neighborhoods in Utah through careful planning and incorporating broad resident feedback. After living in Guatemala for five years, Amy returned to Utah. Its time for a change its time to Start Askin for Raskin., The Salt Lake City Council is badly lacking in diversity of thought and thus does not represent the interests of many constituents. Ballotpedia invites candidates to participate in its annual survey. Salt Lake City has no mayoral contest this year. We also need to restore Warm Springs and the Fisher Mansion, and support small local businesses like Ken Sanders Rare Books. Beyond that, the No. In return, developers need to maintain a lower rent for a larger portion of their properties. All this institutional racism, together with the teaching of Critical Race Theory (which is anti-white racism in disguise), will have the effect of Balkanizing our country, which always leads to disaster., If we want to talk about real public health crises, how about homelessness, drug addiction, mental illness, obesity, cancer, heart disease, neurological diseases and many other more pressing issues., Copyright 2023 Deseret News Publishing Company. Show color matching the transfer, Highlight the current round when interactive, Use longform description instead of timeline, Is this election a Preferential Block Voting election? Property owners, developers, business or other interests are important to our district and should always be considered, but you and residents in our district must come first, not money or special interests., Chris is the City Councilmember for District 3. Five candidates are running in Salt Lake City's District 5, which includes the Ballpark neighborhood. Sandy City Council District 3. I speak German, Spanish and English; I am classically trained in piano, flute, voice and guitar. Once this is in place, then we can address the criminal element in public camps better while we enforce existing laws and provide resources to the most shelter resistant homeless. This would allow us to focus our housing funds to be used only for deeply affordable and permanent supportive housing. District 3 From I-15 to North Campus Drive and from South Temple to the border of Davis County. Just like protecting our environment, we also need to protect our democracy and make sure it is healthy and robust. A homeless solution that will work:The homeless campus. Also, the problems of the day-to-day grind make it difficult for our citizens to feel like their participation is worthwhile. Salt Lake City has used CARES money to backfill public safety resources, provide economic relief for small businesses, maintain housing for vulnerable individuals, and keep public spaces open. Salt Lake City is booming because people realized that living here is wonderful, I wouldnt change it for anything. My first would be homelessness. Public resources must be used to better the public and our city, not pad the profits of developers looking to cash in. We need our affordable housing zoning to be inclusionary. This can help to relieve pressure from emergency responders to provide a more efficient deployment of resources to improve call response times and efficacy. The first step is to rebuild our police force. As part of the plan, we must outline the citys purview and capacity and explicitly outline the work the county and state will need to supplement. To work for you., I see you, I hear you, Ive walked your street., The reason I am running for office is to make a difference in the community, to try my upmost to leave it a better place for the future generations. We have a history of zoning, planning and historic districts that have protected the character of the city we love. Candidates found some consensus on housing prices, agreeing that some mix of high-density development could help, with the exception of Chapman, who opposed any kind of high-density buildings. Finding long-term solutions and support for our unsheltered population. Crime prevention, so that we can walk the streets at night safely. Color theme: Preserving community character. Its going to take a lot of different steps to return to a normal market. Ballotpedia researches issues in local elections across the United States, but information availability is a challenge for us in many areas. Increasing density in single-family areas will destroy community character, decrease quality of life and encourage workers to drive (and pollute) to single-family homes farther away. So we all have to try our best. It falls to the root problem, how we allocate public resources and who these resources benefit. Aid can come in a variety of ways: educational support for families who had children struggle during online learning, or for small businesses to use for facility updates or marketing. We need a housing strategy that takes a comprehensive view of both our current and projected housing needs. Climate change has irrevocably altered rain and snowfall in the valley, reservoirs are at historic lows, and weve resorted to prayer to solve water needs for our state. My greatest skills are in building bridges and connecting people and ideas together to find solutions. When I ran for mayor in 2019, I had the solution for the homeless a homeless campus where all the needs of these unfortunate people could be met. This is the kind of housing a teacher or firefighter or a police officer could afford. College pantries in Utah learning to serve a more diverse range of students. As a former transportation planner for Salt Lake City, I know why a keen eye on our budget matters. At the heart of the issue is density and the missing middle. Entry-level homes are gone. Fowler assumed office in 2018. We need to coordinate the citys collective efforts, collaborate with the state and county, deepen partnerships with nonprofits in the field (such as NeighborWorks), and negotiate with developers to effectively address the issue of affordable housing. Districts are presented in numerical order, and each candidate is listed in alphabetical order within their respective district. There isnt a single answer to fix this problem, but I will work with law enforcement and other support programs to help make Salt Lake City a safer place for everyone. So we need to make sure that people who commit crimes pay for those crimes. Moving to renewable energy isnt only possible, it is economically feasible. . 1 goal is to add deeply affordable and permanent supportive housing to help people exit homelessness. I am running for this position to make sure our voice is not just heard, but listened to and responded to.. Equitable access to resources We are going to continue to see an increase in resources and if we are not creating policies now, we will continue to see inequitable access to those resources. This is coming at a time when baby boomers are downsizing and millenials are reaching the home buying stage. I think rezoning westward is another important option to consider in dealing with our citys growth, and will support options to expand in a sustainable and healthy manner. Five Salt Lake City Council districts are up for election this year. Create all types of housing (including a low bar) so unsheltered neighbors arent living in our parks, alleys, rivers and sidewalks. We need to be sure to maintain the citys character and all of the reasons we love it as we see this growth. Funding programs to decrease the digital divide, working with the Utah Transit Authority to increase public transportation throughout the city, supporting small businesses in all areas of our city. Occupation: Nonprofit resource liaison for local businesses. Whether its young professionals looking for a starter home, working families looking to upgrade, or retirees looking to scale down, our housing stock is not serving our city or our west-side community. Im a pie aficionado and I have an impressive collection of bow ties. Leftover federal funds should be used directly to help our community, starting with our most vulnerable residents and those impacted by COVID-19. I also had a career in the arts as a professional swing dance instructor, music promoter and filmmaker. We need to create better ways to engage our community members. So, if you live in the district I have walked down your street., I am running to be an advocate for the residents of District 5. Showing interactive content. Affordable housing is a top priority of mine. Donate. What are your ideas for investing federal pandemic aid in the city, including funds left over from the CARES Act as well as funds from the American Rescue Plan Act? We must stop rotten deals like the one giving away the Utah Pantages Theater for zero dollars to developers in return for a small number of less than market-rate units. In addition, Ill hold police leadership to the highest standards. Occupation: Executive director at Salty Cricket; owner and consultant at bold IDEAs. State legislature | I support rezoning efforts for higher-density units, accelerated building license application reviews and lower impact fees. My second goal is to move forward a neighborhood-wide planning and zoning effort in the Ballpark neighborhood. Our citys air quality is often among the worst in the world and it will only continue to get worse if not made an absolute priority with aggressive goals and plans to reverse the damage climate change is doing. Occupation: Retired engineer, former naval officer, friendly local neighborhood activist. City elections in Salt Lake City, Utah (2021), 100 largest cities in the United States by population,,_Utah_(2021)&oldid=8622942, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function, Pages using DynamicPageList dplreplace parser function, United States city council elections, 2021, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. Ballotpedia comprehensively covers the 100 largest cities in the United States by population. Our citys biggest challenges in the next four years will be to address increased crime with a reduced police force and to equitably distribute shelters and other resources for people experiencing homelessness. Occupation: Instructor, University of Utah School of Medicine. Chapman pointed to a lack of support from the city and county as a root to the departments woes, while other candidates agreed that identifying why officers are leaving is key. So our efforts to decrease homeless populations are impeded by countering efforts resulting in more addiction. We must continue to make our resource centers more robust, increase the number of beds available, improve coordination among service providers, and develop further outreach and wraparound services to assist those individuals who refuse to enter shelters due to trauma. On the issue of drought, Huck and Fowler clashed on ways to conserve water, while Raskin said developers need to prioritize water conservation when building. We have an officer shortage in Salt Lake City and a problem with both jail space and prosecutions. We want Salt Lake to be a vibrant city, but were failing folks if they cant afford to live and recreate where they work. We need to protect places we cannot afford to lose like the theater, the Fisher Mansion, Warm Springs and others. Chris has also been a champion for arts, parks, trails and historic preservation., At the same time, Chris set a new standard for accountability and responsiveness to residents. Rescue plan funding should be prioritized for rental assistance for renters and homeless along with social workers. As Im talking to residents, public safety and homelessness top the list of challenges to the city. We need to be strategic in using these federal dollars. SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 7 on RCVis: Ranked-Choice Voting visualizations: sankey, interactive bar charts, and tabular formats for displaying the results of RCV Elections . I am a three time Italian American Civic League of Utah pasta eating champion. It took over 40 days, and I covered 86.1 miles. Born on the west side, I grew up in our neighborhoods and was shaped by our community. The latter two steps will reduce calls to police, reduce fires and send a message to criminals that Salt Lake is no longer a good place to do business. I must be constantly engaged with you so I know what you are thinking and so I know you are as informed as you want or need to be. We should strive to provide affordable housing options at all income levels. Lead by example and not by force at least 99% of the time. People and communities should benefit from growth, not developers and large corporations. I will bring some fresh perspectives to the council that will enable our city to more effectively deal with these and other pressing issues. There are facilities to build and upgrade, transit lines to enhance, and professional services to engage. These neighborhoods are rooted in ones ability to breathe clean air, drink clean water, and are in close proximity to public green spaces. Im excited to leverage federal dollars with funding from the state to aggressively build more units and more deeply affordable units. Tuesday, November 2, 2021. Neighborhood development and transportation. There are obvious service gaps that will only get wider without support from the city. I also am able to write peoples names in the ancient Viking runes (alphabet). Salt Lake City is experiencing a housing crisis, and the city has a unique opportunity to provide solutions to this growing problem. Salt Lake Citys District 5 has a disproportionate number of abandoned and boarded structures that shouldnt be allowed to just rot for decades. This is happening on a national level because the cause is national. U.S. municipal elections, 2021 The city of Salt Lake City, Utah, held general elections for city council on November 2, 2021. Includes the Rose Park and Jordan Meadows neighborhoods, the Salt Lake International Airport and Utah State Fairgrounds. My first goal is to move forward our work in diversity, equity and inclusion. We need to protect our police officers. At the same time, have as few laws as possible and all of them easily understood by the general public. The debate was centered around housing prices and development, with candidates taking on issues like high-density building, low-income areas and affordable housing. We need to beef up the accessory dwelling unit ordinance and create a fund that helps families access down payment assistance to build them. Beyond that, the sound barriers on highways and crumbling sidewalks need investment. The current median price in Salt Lake County for all housing types is $455,000. Ballot measures, Who represents me? The more voices that are represented, the better the outcomes in our citys developments. A Salt Lake City Council ballot with ranking options is pictured in Salt Lake City on Friday, Oct. 15, 2021. When I lived in Seattle, officials did that very comparison, and they found that the costs to build and house people who need it was far less than the cost of first responders, emergency room care, etc. My wife, Brenda, and I often enjoy live theater performances, movies, and the visual arts as well. My second would be the environment. En. These are just some of the ways I think we can work to provide affordable housing and protect the character of our city. Increasing public safety in our neighborhoods and repairing our citys relationship with its police force. We must challenge the inland port and if the state wont negotiate with us, we must be prepared to take them to court. The seats are currently held by Salt Lake City Council Chair Amy Fowler (District. All people deserve the option of living in the neighborhood in which they work. While I was the chair of the Redevelopment Agency, we invested over $50 million in affordable housing. Includes the Sugar House neighborhood, Brickyard Plaza and Sugar House and Tanner parks. Voters in Rose Park, Westpointe, and Jordan Meadows will elect a new District 1 City Council member this November, since former Council Member James Rogers resigned in early October. We are 50,000 units short. Its a walkable neighborhood because theres something worth exploring. The District 7 debate featured candidates Ben Raskin, Rainer Huck and incumbent Amy Fowler. I adore their little smushed faces. 2021 GENERAL ELECTION SALT LAKE COUNTY, UTAH 11/17/2021 09:03 AM . Clustered deeply affordable housing will perpetuate intergenerational poverty. Our greatest assets in Sugar House are our parks and trail systems. I rallied community members to end the police department hiring freeze in January 2021, and I spoke in favor of the 30% salary increase for SLCPD officers that City Council voted for in June 2021. Except for a few town home projects here and there, that type of product is scarce. At the same time, we can preserve the diverse intersection of socioeconomic ranges, ages and ethnicities that makes Salt Lake Citys District 2 the wonderful place it is. Even before the 2020 riots, there were insufficient officers. Occupation: Real estate agent, residential and commercial. Includes the Rose Park and Jordan Meadows neighborhoods, the Salt Lake International Airport and Utah State Fairgrounds. The ordinance proposed by the citys Civilian Police Accountability Council will go a long way toward solving this problem. The kind of neighborhoods we want to live in are built and maintained by people who really love them, the folks who live there. My campaign is based on the principles of strengthening individuals, families and businesses. I see a future for our neighborhood with walkable eateries, coffee shops and boutiques that are locally owned and operated as central to the landscape. [], Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR). We also need to be realistic about our natural resources as we face a climate crisis. The quality of life is what the individual makes of it. We need to act now. All rights reserved. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. The reason were not is a holdover from the Great Recession a decade ago. If I believe there is a plan or proposal that is a good idea, then it is my responsibility to inform you about it and convince you it is the right thing to do. Candidates must have fully completed and submitted our optional survey to be listed in this guide. We should focus on incentive-based zoning, where developers are asked to support the neighborhood in which they build so we can preserve these communities. Money continues to influence politics and steers elected officials away from constituents they were elected to represent. These debates will cover real issues that affect Utahns, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise in violent crime, the housing crisis, the rise in homelessness, and [] Inherspare time,Amyenjoysrock climbing, golfing andspending time outdoors. And, this is just the beginning. We cant be ping-ponging people across the city. City Council Welcome Amy Fowler District 7 801-535-7715 Welcome District 7 residents! We must require equitable opportunities, working with the Redevelopment Agency and Economic Development Department to INVEST in us not try to fix us or save us. [1][2], The primary election originally scheduled for August 10, 2021, was canceled after the Salt Lake City Council voted on April 20 to use ranked-choice voting in the 2021 municipal election.[1][3]. A strong economy is the key to our citys continued success in this recovery period. Sandy Mayor. Whether you live in Rose Park or Westpointe or Jordan Meadows, you deserve to breathe clean air, your children deserve to have safe, green spaces to play in, and affordability should not be an obstacle to putting down roots here in our community. Over 100 officers have left our police department. When the bridge burned and creosote fell from the sky and neighbors wondered why their asthma was acting up, there was a notable void in communication from the city. Homelessness is a citywide and statewide issue that requires collaboration to truly address the crisis. These teams can work with encampments and clean up litter along the length of the trail. Very rarely, IF AT ALL, will force work. Work toward racial harmony, not division. Our housing first model has failed us. Salt Lake City Council candidates answered key questions . Huck echoed Raskin on the potential for electric vehicles to reduce pollution. Amy also served as Vice Chair and Chair for the Large Cities Council with the National League of Citiesin 2020 and 2021, respectively. The solution to our affordable housing emergency is to rezone the tens of thousands of acres in Salt Lake City that are not allowed to have housing. The city and developers tell us that less than market-rate housing is affordable, but a single parent raising two kids working a full-time minimum wage job knows better. I'm glad you're here and hope you find helpful links, contact information and resources. Single-family home neighborhoods are just 12% of the land in this city, while this city refuses to allow housing on 80% of the land. She was elected by her peers to serve as the 2021 City Council Chair. These topics can intertwine and benefit from public-private partnerships in cases like a program I am creating with SLC Parks, Advantage Services, and the VOA Homeless Outreach Program to use carts from the Glendale and Rose Park golf courses to travel the Jordan River Parkway Trail. We also need to eliminate SWAT cops and undercover (secret) police which have no place in a democratic society. By utilizing a variety of tools such as inclusionary zoning, infill, and missing-middle developments, we can create higher opportunity index zones for all of our residents to benefit. She was recently appointed RDA Vice Chair in January 2023. Historic preservation is a key quality of life issue for many voters in Salt Lake City. This deal gives millions away at taxpayers expense, dollars that can be used for truly affordable housing. Sustainability should be a primary concern for every city on the planet. Im a former bartender who once made Robin Williams smile. However, the citys zoning ordinances are outdated and allow many uses such as storage or manufacturing which are not conducive to the type of walkable, mixed-use and transit connected neighborhood that Ballpark has the potential to become. As we look at the negative impacts and the many policies and programs, we must keep our focus on the human side of the issue and the equity of our solutions. This changes the longform description FAQs to describe Preferential Block Voting, Rotate the names of candidates on the top bar, Only show winners, hiding eliminated candidates. While a bit outdated, a 2015 Gallup poll found Salt Lake City to be 4.7% LGBTQ, the seventh highest for a U.S. metro area. Summary table; Tables by round; Tables by candidate; Settings; Share; SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 7. Many residents cant even afford to live in their own houses any longer. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; What's on my ballot? Key to reducing homelessness is understanding the complexity of its many causes. Improving and expanding our police department. Only 63 detached homes were approved last year along with around 1,500 apartments. The candidates kicked off the debate talking about homelessness, focusing on Mayor Erin Mendenhalls recent decision to stop the development of a homeless shelter within the district. If this city would rezone just a portion of the 80% not allowed to have housing, the city could have housing for 100,000 more residents and increase the supply of affordable housing. For far too long, they have been the agents of the state rather than the agents of the people. Less than market-rate housing is part of the answer, but less than market-rate housing is not the same as affordable housing. However, if no one wins a majority, the candidate with the least first-preference votes is eliminated. In 2013, she co-founded theLGBT and Allied Lawyers of Utah, a non-profit legal organization fighting for the LGBT communitys rights. Taxes, school vouchers and the culture war. I also believe that improving public safety in all communities including those that have been traditionally marginalized or underserved requires trust. The District 1, 3, 5, and 7 seats were up for regular election to four-year terms, and the District 2 seat was up for special election to a two-year term. Repairing our citys developments need investment face a climate crisis to North Campus Drive and from Temple! Ranking options is pictured in Salt Lake County for all housing types is $ 455,000 Accountability Council go! 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Judicial Activism Ap Gov Definition, The Devils Promise Clint Eastwood, How Many Minions Does Gru Have, Louisiana Bowling Hall Of Fame, Articles S