M2RkNjlmODM1YTU0YmNhZWMzZWVjOGVlMzE0ZTQ1N2M4NjVhNTkxZTdlMWFj YmMwOWJhOTZjZGYxZTdiMTg1OTc3ODIyYmMzMWZkN2U1MjY2OTAzMDVhZTQ3 We make every effort to report the individual progress of each student fairly and accurately. NjZiZjIwNzdiMjFhODIyMjkwNjUxNjliMTZkMDEyMzZjOTIxMDNhMTM1NzRh Comments (-1) Congratulations to our Lady Bucs - League, State Sectional, and State Champions! They are listed below - PRINCIPAL'S HONOR ROLL - 4.00 GPA 7th Grade-Benjamin Gullingsrud, Layna Schindler, Ava Seeger, Thor Swenson 8th Grade-Hayden Shulstad 9th Grade-Reese Pahlen, Kayla Schafer 10th Grade-Elizabeth Lytle 12th Grade-Brea Derosier, Emma Knott, Chase Nelson "A" HONOR SHAPE America will honor the District Teachers of the Year at the SHAPE America National Convention & Expo. Fax: 630-795-8599, Administrative Service Center ZWY0MzRiYmQyYTNjODVhMjkyNWRkNjdhYWVmOGQ4NDNjNjUxMTcyYzE0ODI1 Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. PIASA Southwestern High School has announced its first semester high honor and honor rolls. Construction Technology (NASCTF) 5. ZGRlZjk3MmE3MGNjODMxNDI5OTAyODRkYTExZDhmZjYwOGY5NjNjNjY1NTc3 OTY0OWUyNDM4ZTcyYmEyNmUyMWMxMDlhYTFjOTVlYjZlODliMGMzNmYzM2I5 ZDQ3ZTU2NTVkNWZjOGZmMjJhNzcxMmE5YWZhNjE0N2JjMWQ3YTJjZWJlOTRj Second Honors: Daniel Abu, Jaree Adams, Charles Allison, Marlian Alvarado, Elizabeth Amartey, Akosua Apraku, Ahmad Aria, Frankson Arthur, Fidelia Asongwed, Brendan Bacon, Nevaeh Baillargeon, Aliza Barnes, Jamillah Barro, Keyshawn Beckles, Eden Bergstrom, Katherine Scarlett Blair, Jordan Borrero, Crystal Brackett, Emilio Burgos, Connor Carrigan, Shelsea Castro Zenon, Carolina Cavalcanti, Oliver Chase Norris, Saphire Chau, Maria Clarke, Kyara Contes Gutierrez, Kethllen De Souza Silva, Cody DiBonaventura, Hanson Domotey, Phu Duong, Hannah Duszak, Marcos Echevarria, Alexi Estrada, Anna Freitas Matos, Nadia Frempong, John Grady, Leandro Graterol Rojas, Nawar Hamadi, Paige Hogan Leblanc, Joshlyn Jarrett, Alex Johnson, Raquelle Ketter, Deron Kusi, Diana Landaverde-Axume, Alexander Lanzo, Damian Le, Alexander Leon Smith, Sophie Lesure, Anthony Madison, Rosi Magana Romero, Yeraisi Martes Guerrero, Ainsley McKenney, D Andre McLeod, Tevontae Mendes Dennison, Emil Mihai, Lorenzo Mojica, Aidan Morrow, Benedict Morrow, Anejia Moten, Lily Motil, Wa-Mulenda Mulenda, Salam Najjar, Mehreen Naqvi, Adriana Nava Zuniga, Nhi Nguyen, Gregory Noroian, Mary Nzoka, Mark Okyere, Steve Owusu-Ansah, Jarette Pastor, Gustavo Pena Orellana, Ayden Pugliese, Yariel Rivera, Santos Rosa, Jose Rosario, Kendyal Rutling, Gabrielle Ryan, Nooralshams Sbeih, Mark Shulten, Gracie Suprenant, CarlieRose Tarr, Luis Texidor, Thanh Tran, Dariel Vega, Rachel Vuong, Aidan Yauckoes, and Alianna Young. Lawrenceburg, IN47025 To register for free South Windsor breaking news alerts and more, click here. 4:00 PM Bowling @ Parkway Lanes. 6301 Springside Avenue Randall Acey, Jade Adams, Sara Alcantara Szentpetery, Joseph Armbruster, Brayden Ballart, Taytum Barker, Sydney Barth, Izabella Bear, Rozalee Bear, Alexis Bennett , Brooklynn Berends, Kendra Berry, Kyleigh Berry, Leia Berry, Lucy Beshears, Johnna Bimrose, Hunter Booth, Hayle Brashears, Reagan Brindley, Gracie Brock, Arianna Brown. ODVmYjA0NTM3OWJiZDJkODI5NjQ2MzgwY2M5MDdhYjU0ODU3M2UzYjUwZjhk MTY3YTk1Yjk3ZDMxNzc1OWJmMDg3YmIxYTE1ODJhNDAxM2NmZmM2ZDA5ZGMw NzRjYzNhNzhkZTc5MGI3MDdmOTUxODc5Y2I5YTg0MThlNGI5YjZhZTgwNjNh YWU3Nzg2MTcwZDY2NDU1MTU1OGFmMjk2NzJkM2U2OTI1NDZmMmViMDI5NDlh eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiNzJkYjcyZTk3ODI3NWNkOTIwZGQ0ODA4YjYwOGIzMGM0 OTYyMzI2N2U4NmEwYmJlZmZlNTdjMzZiMTI2NTJjZDI2M2FjOGI5YmQ1NjRi First Honors: Ronnie Amoah, Isabella Archambault, Afua Asare, Zoe Black, Loi Bui, Isabella Da Silva, Ava Derr, Colin Do, Frankie Dong, Shelley Duodu, Katherine Farfan Picon, Jason Fontaine, Jada Horne, Grace Kalinowski, Karen Koranteng, Dat Le, Juan Lopez, Anthony Matimu, Arielle McJimpsey, Anesha Melendez, Ahmed Mohammed Essam, Malia Montalvo, Dargely Mueces Rodriguez, Lisa Ngo, Dalena Nguyen, Tan Nguyen, Katherine Noroian, Hana Olivia, Jaqueline Orellana, Rebekah Philius, Hillary Quaye, Tiffany Rawlston, Adonis Rodriguez, Livan Sanchez, Stephanie Sarpong, Andy Tran, Lina Tran, and Katrina Truong. Phone: 630-795-7100 YzQxMTVjY2ZjNTliZDU3Y2M0MGZiZTczMTg5ZTUxNzRhNjRiZmI0YTU5NGE4 Tomorrow. First Honors: Al-anood Aldawasr, Marvin Alvarado, Alan Arroyo Quinones, Nexus Attiogbe, Tony Cruz-Calero, Bao Ngan Dang, Carina Diaz Perez, Duyen Dinh, Avedis Dola, Jancarlos Ferreira, Luca Frost, Eric Hang, Carisa Hochkeppel, Robert Jarvis, Gabrielle Jensen, Rana Kokaz, Eleanor Lewin, David Ly, Keira Martinez, Matthew McElroy, Sophia Ngo, Vincent Nguyen, Anthony Nguyen, Tommy Nguyen, Naomi Orcel, Luna Paez Abaunza, Ryan Quach, Emma Robeau, Luis Sanchez, Johandra Santos Rodriguez, Avery Strogoff, Mary Thach, Emmanuel Joel Torto, and Kayla Tran. Fax: 630-795-7199, Copyright 2017 Community High School District 99, Anonymous Alerts (opens in a new window) (opens in new window), Community High School District 99 Event Page, Live MP3 (opens in new window) (opens in new window), Community High School District 99 Web Store (opens in new window), Show sub menu for Student Support Services, Community High School District 99 Facebook Page (opens in new window) (opens in new window), Community High School District 99 Twitter Page (opens in new window) (opens in new window), Community High School District 99 Flickr Page (opens in new window) (opens in new window), Community High School District 99 Instagram (opens in new window) (opens in new window), Community High School District 99 Youtube Page (opens in new window) (opens in new window), Community High School District 99 Contact Page, Mental Health Resources and Community Referrals, download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software. Biomedical Sciences (PLTW) Aila Abaza, Ava Abbruzzese, Chelsea Adjei-Frimpong, Oluwadamilare Akinsola, Yousuf Al mamoury, Madhumitha Alagappan Lalitha, Mohammad Ali, Sidharth Atluri, Ava Austin, Benjamin Balducci, Eden Bauer, Summer Bauer, Katelyn Baumgartner, Ryan Beger, Benjamin Bernstein, Joseph Biju, Christiana Bilelis, Shawn Blocker, Kashvi Bokria, Chase Bonin, Sebastian Borek, Logan Breen, Cameron Brown, Jamie Brunelle, Matthew Bullock, Shea Cardella, Bridget Carroll, Rakshan Chadha, Dhanya Chasmawala, Varsha Chilakapati, Sairakshith Chimbili, Sristhi Chowdhury, Emily Clark, Kylie Correale, Kate Costa, Wyatt Cote, Julia Craig, Xavier Crane, Bryant Cushman, Alexis Dabrowski, Kaitlyn Dedame, Joseph Della Ripa, Kaitlyn Dempsky, Alexa Diaz, Katelyn Drenga, Sarah Eldredge, Sophie Finer, Ryan Fiori, Sophia Flores, Avery Fournier, Mary Frank, Megan Futtner, Julia Garofalo, Jaden Glatt, Nathan Grilli, Kaylie Guerrera, Ava Hanson, Trinayaan Hariharan, Ethan Hart, Margaret Haswell, Barbara Huarcaya, Jack Huot, Dylan Hutton, Alishba Israr, Manan Israr, Muhammad Israr, Blossom Iweka, Hannah Jacob, Tegh Fateh Kainth, Maura Ketchum, Malyka Khan, Manha Khan, Sofia King, Saisaketh Koppu, Ryan Korah, Amanda Koziura, Vineet Kuchipudi, Cameron Lamont, Jessica Lanteri, Julianna Lapointe, Adrian Le, Emily Ledger, Angelina Lee, Jacob LePage, Ryan Li, Olivia Liegl, Alexia Lilly, Nora Lombardo, Kate Francine Luci, Karen Luo, Olivia Mack, Tanmayee Maddula, Ava Magarian, Gautam Mahajan, Laiba Malik, Rachel Malone, Aditi Malpure, Leah Manhertz, Audrey Manning, Megan Martin, Joel Mathew, Alexander Matus, Maya Mawla, Sophia McCormack, Samuel Meleshenko, Caleb Michaelson, Kailey Migneault, Annaliese Mills, Olivia Mogor, Vaishnab Nanda, Daniel Nazeri, Joseph Nielsen, Madison Oberly, William OBrien, Emily Osit, Kyle Palombizio, Alexa Parada, Arushi Patel, Shane Pederzoli, Valli Pendyala, Abigail Peruccio, Jamie Peters, Olivia Petgrave, Jessica Pollack, Abhinay Prabhuraj, Annabelle Preston, Zohaib Quraishi, Shriharran Radhakrishnan, Iniya Raja, Sneha Rath, Anamitra Rawat, Grace Rich, Zachary Richard, Julian Rodriguez, Liliana Ross, Arjun Roy, Joseph Santagata, Krish Sawant, Ria Saxena, Christopher Sealander, Sohail Shaik, Pranav Shankar, Kavin Shanmugam, Akshat Shenoi, Jason Sigler, Viraj Sikand, Mateus Silva Mendonca, Danielle Skott, Greta Slater, Darsh Soni, Alexis Sozzani, Sri Kiran Sripada, Anna Stapleton, Maya Swedock, Arnav Thakrar, Anthony That, Emma Tomeo, Benjamin Tortora, Valerie Turgeon, Sarah Turner, Neev Vachhani, Rohan Valentin, Matthew Venzie, Sophia Viar, Samin Wahed, Joshua Weiner, Peyton West, Samantha West, Jenna Wilder, Michael Wills, Sophia Wong, Winston Xu, Gavin Yeich, Amber Zeng, Yunfei Zheng. -----END REPORT-----. 4:15 PM Girls Basketball Home vs Dwight Englewood. Studio Art 4. 0. SOUTH WINDSOR These students were named to the second-quarter honor roll at South Windsor High School. Computer Science (PLTW) 3. Congratulations to all students who have attained this recognition. We'll schedule parent conferences in the fall, and you are welcome to contact your child's teacher anytime you have a concern. NmI0M2RhM2ZkZWM5ZjdiM2E0NDA4NzhmNjcyMDA1MjI5ZDcyMmJjY2MxNGIy ZmY1YjNjMWE4YjU5OGQ4M2NiMjg1OTI1NTkwOWU1YjAwMTFiOTQ0M2IxNjlm ZDE2MjE5MWIzZDMzY2NiNTg3MjJmMWZjYWVlYmIzNWNjODViODY1MGUxY2Iz Emma Ferguson, Sophia Ferguson, Madison Finnegan, Hayden Fox, Reva Geiser, Jacob Guthrie, Madison Haffey, Makayla Hiltenbeitel, Elizabeth Holt, Austin Hoskins, Jenna Hufford, Rebecca Hughes, Brayden Hurelbrink, Alexandria Hylton, Luka Jones, Sylvia Kraemer, Adam Kunkel, Aubrey Lagaly, Blake Lagaly, Dylan Leffler, Aaron Lewis, Dana Lewis, Brayden Lunsford. 508-799-3115 | 20 Irving Street, Worcester, MA 01609 | [emailprotected], South High School 2021-2022 First Quarter Honor Roll, University Park Campus 2021-2022 First Quarter Honor Roll, North High School 2021-2022 First Quarter Honor Roll, Dr. Monrrez Welcome Message and Entry Plan. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. Nzk2ZjgwZDY4ZTM3NjQ1NjAwYTI1NTQzYzk1ZTc1NjlhOTQzMzE5NDQ5NjZl NTMxMmY5Nzg1MzAzN2EzOWI5MTZmZDljNmNiNDhmMGI2MzUyNTZkMjI3NmQ2 Bergen County Technical High Schools Named To Nat'l AP Honor Roll - Paramus, NJ - Only 373 school districts in the United States were named to the honor roll this year. South High School News DGS Honor Roll First Semester 2020-21 Posted February 8, 2021 Congratulations to the following students named to Downers Grove South High School's Honor Roll for Semester 1 of the 2020-21 School Year. MDM1NjEzYzdkY2FhYTE1MTFlM2YyMjc0MjM2ZjNmYjM4NWI4YmMxNTY4YmI4 This serves the dual purpose of recognizing such accomplishments and presenting Distinguished Alumni as role models for current students at Maine South. Scarlett Alcazar, Zakaria Almohaid, Luis Alvarez . ZWU1N2Q3NTJkNTdmNjA4MjVkYWE0ZmJlNWFjMjg2NGYwOWFiNGRkYTY1N2U5 Benjamin Aballe, Ali Abdulsater, Ava Aceti, Andrea Adjei-Frimpong, Aarnav Alsi, Will Arnold, Tom Augustine, Kunal Bagga, Jacob Beaulier, Samantha Belekewicz, Andrew Bell, Jordana Benblatt, Kyle Berson, Anisha Bhatnagar, Ayushi Bhattacharjee, Cora Brownbill, Rally Bryan, Kayden Burke, Elizabeth Burnham, Zoe Calhoun, Isabella Carbone, Evan Carlson, Lindsay Carter, Camron Carvalho, Riley Castle, Anthony Chen, Divya Chereddy, Grace Chon, Flor Clark, Marco Cortez, Haydin Courtois, Milla Daigle, Colleen Deady, Tracy Doan, Bridget Doherty, Abigail Donovan, Jessica Donovan, Lyndsay Donston, Amy Ernest, Annika Galley, Kayla Garcia, Zachary Gebhart, Julia Ghagare, Daniel Glucinski, Marybeth Grasso, Maliya Haddock, Maella Hassoubi, Maddie Hathorn, Riley Heafey-DeAngelis, Olivia Hedley, Caroline Hegi, Lane Henry, Aidan Iacovelli, Rebekah Jacobs, Sai Aditya Reddy Junoothula, Aryan Kalia, Nikhil Kikanamada, Anna Kim, Heather Kim, Caroline Klein, Maya Lagasse, Emma Lamica, Kassandra Le, Ji Min Lee, Vishon Lee, Jack Libow, Stanley Lu, Karen Celine Luci, Drew Mabey, Lauren Madda, Alexander Magarian, Andrei Makarov, Kelli Mann, Mikayla Mansfield, Mitchell Marks, Sidharth Masarur, Abbie Mathew, Jyothirmayee Mavillapalli, Chase Mawhinney, Luke Mawhinney, Mackenzie McArthur, Riya Menon, Adam Mulvey, Melissa Murdoch, Lauren Murphy, Jaideep Naik, Aarav Nair, Michael Ngo, Ana Norato, Sai Anish Nuthalapati, Rhianna OMeara, Larissa Partenio, Shaun Paschetto, Sagar Patel, Griffin Pejril, Daniel Piepmeier, Carly Pitruzzello, Alexandra Raibeck, Pranav Ramesh, Kashyap Rao, Ishayu Ray, Lukas Reba, Grace Reed, Quillan Reilly, Madison Riopel, Asher Robino, Juliana Robinshaw, Vishal Saminathan, Labeeb Samir, Brooke Sawyer, Lorina Sediqi, Mathumithaa Selvakumar, Shaunak Shinde, Nadia Siddiqui, Timothy Sigler, Dalton Silverman, Olivia Strout, Taryn Suffish, Ira Sunderraj, Ella Suppicich, Olivia Trzaski, Alex Turco, Mara Vasil, Nethra Vijayakumar, Alina Vongsarasinh, Amanda Walsh, Candace Walsh, Matthew Waterman, Alexa Wheeler, Emilia Willoughby, Nicholas Wong. Skip to main content South Windsor, CT Follow I have been working with machinery since 2017, and I have lead my high school's robotics team to the world championship . YjJmNzdkMDI1N2M0NTA5YTRiNzE3MzdjNDhiZDczZjFiYTY0YzliZTEwZTMw Honor Roll | South Knox School Corporation South Knox Elementary School Fax: (812) 726-4585 Home Our District Administration School Board Board Meeting Summaries Scholarship Winners Transportation Directions to SKSC Technology Bylaws & Policies Elementary School Principal's Office Faculty & Staff Textbook Fees/Supply List Lunch Menu Photo Gallery South High School News DGS Honor Roll Second Semester 2020-21 Posted June 14, 2021 Congratulations to the following students named to Downers Grove South High School's Honor Roll for Semester 2 of the 2020-21 School Year. Six are in Bergen County. South Side High School Grade 9 High Honor roll Paul A. Adal Yann David Yao Adjoumani Katherine G. Ahern Nicolas J. Albarano Jack P. Alcock James T. Beatty Andrew G. Schools South Side High School students named to honor, high honor rolls Posted April 16, 2021 South Side High School South Side High School Grade 9 High Honor roll Paul. MjI2MjFiZTM0YzFjOWE2ZTFhNDY5NTNhZWJjNjEzMzA0MzZjZjc0YWQ0ZDA4 Congratulations to the following students named to Downers Grove South High School's Honor Roll for the first semester of the 2021-22 school year! Fall 2022 lists now posted - FALL 2022 Congratulations WHS students who have been named to the High Honor Roll, Honor Roll, and Honorable Mention lists for the Fall 2022 semester: High Honor Roll (4.0 GPA) Seniors : Holly Cejka, Maci Foxworthy, Logan Girmus, Garrett Grandgenett, Autumn Iversen, Ella Lacey, Sammy Leu, Megan Robinson, Logan Scott, Sophie Sherman, Landon Spicka, Megan Steele . Second-Quarter honor roll at South Windsor These students were named to the second-quarter roll! ( -1 ) Congratulations to our Lady Bucs - League, State Sectional, and State Champions (... 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Former Chek News Anchors, Ti 84 Standard Deviation Symbol, Articles S
Former Chek News Anchors, Ti 84 Standard Deviation Symbol, Articles S