Caterpillar: Wrong! Whoops!!!! You're right. Colander Stenchman & Football Stenchman: I'll get it, I'll get it. He aches! It fell out of the sky, Oscar sneezed on it and then Oscar threw it in his can. Bob: Don't worry, Zoe. Listen up, cause this is all I have to say, This could be the thing to get you on your way. Huxley: Come on! Elmo: W-Wait, wait, wait, wait! Colander Stenchman: He says he's not like Huxley. Zoe: Well Im not mad at him, But what if we don't find him, then me and Elmo will never be friends again. (brings up the tissue) Hey, tissue, maybe you can be my blanket. (to the audience) And thank you all for helping. I don't think he meant it. An army guy, a glove, here it is. Ernie: See Bert, just like I told ya. Jake: Wait, guys, I have a plan (to the viewers) Mateys, will you help us get Elmos blanket back from Huxley, Captain Hook, Mr. Smee and Big Jet (awkward silence) great, (4 gold doubloons appear) remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons, whenever we solve a pirate problem together, theyll appear, then well collect them, and put them in our team treasure chest. Pesties: Careful. Elmo: Oh, but Quincy, Elmo does have a tongue. (But then they took cover as the helicopter was coming in). Leo: I can take care of that. Leo: But one day she's gonna be my age. Let him go. And my leg hurts. Trash Guard #1: Oh, it's our turn! Oscar: This Huxley's character's taken everything that makes Grouchland so disgusting, and you're not doing anything about it! Mousekatools! But where's Elmo's Blanket? Mickey Mouse: Well the sooner we get to Huxley's the sooner we can get your blanket back and go home. (Little Miss Whoops has her right arm and left leg ripped off, her glasses were broken apart. Mickey Mouse: [whispers] Yes. Quincy: You know how i feel about the dark. Pesties: I'm the king of the world! [turns to leave, but then notices that the end credits are starting] Oh, look, look, look! Izzy: and Ive got my pixie dust, (to the viewers) the fairies gave it to me so that we can use it to fly but only in emergencies. I always fancied myself a singer. [throws Blanket and then glass of orange juice spills on his blanket], [At the Laundromat Elmo was trying to start the washer but notices it doesn't work, he tries again but nothing], Elmo: There's something wrong with this. (Everyone leaves except for Ash, and Pikachu), (Serena shrugs and follows Bonnie and Clemont into the 123 building), oks at Elmo for a second and then walks away], Elmo: [leans on Oscar's can] Hmm. But where's Elmo's Blanket? The magic kind. You mean good things could still happen? Pooh's Adventures Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Grouch mayor: Yeah, that's right! Blanket, where are you? Elmo was very selfish and mean to her And now Elmo's hurt her feelings. [she jumps into the can], (Back to Elmo Mickey, Pluto, the Little Einsteins, Oso, Sofia, Jake, Izzy, Cubby, Skully, Docs toys and the tools in Grouchland. And besides if Zoe is good enough to forgive you, then so are we! Huxley's being mean to Elmo and his friends. (they head off to get Elmos blanket back from Huxley, Captain Hook, Mr. Smee and Big Jet). Elmo's best friend. Elmo: Oh. Huxley: Thank you, Bug. Elmo can get to Huxley's house! It's not fruit, dear Elmo. He's taking his first step. Oso: Nothing can stop us from getting Elmo's blanket back now! That's how you start a movie, Bert. Now what are we going to do? The boss is walking! Adventures are often undertaken to create psychological arousal or in order to achieve a greater goal, such as the pursuit of knowledge that can only be obtained by such activities. You like me! What chutzpah! Grouchland Citizens, Mickey, Pluto, the Little Einsteins, Oso, Sofia, Jake, Izzy, Cubby, Skully, the tools. Mickey Mouse: Allright, heres what were gonna do . Hey, nice cardigan. Humongous Chicken: Oh, well, sometime Well, no. Bug's personality is such that he accepts and even enjoys the mistreatment, until Elmo [Then dome sort of secret door opens] Hello, Tiny. Ernie: (He's humming, but notices the audience.) (See what I mean?). Call the media! Ernie: Roll film! I know! Do-do. Quincy, are you okay with this? Mickey Mouse: Now, we demand you to return that blanket back to Elmo and all the other things you stole back to the citizens of Grouchland at once or else I will have to turn you over to a certain police officer I happen to know in Sesame Street. Don't you? Where are you? [the film pauses] Ernie! Yeah, that was really good toast, you know, they cut off the crusts and everything. Ernie: (To Bert) But, but don't worry, Bert, it will be okay, (To the audience) right, everybody? What's all the ruckus? Ernie: Maybe, Bert. Miss Whoops, Mr. Scatterbrain, YOU JUST FUCKING RUINED MY GARDEN BECAUSE YOU JUST DESTROYED ALL MY PEACH TREES AND PUT STORE-BOUGHT TOMATOES, CORN AND CLOCKS ON MY GARDEN INSTEAD OF PLANTING THE SHITTY TOMATOS, CORN AND COURGETTE SEEDS! That's how you start a movie, Bert. Elmo: [screams] Elmo's up Elmo's up, Elmo's u-- [notices the audience and walks to it] Wow. The Grouch Song - Elmo , Grizzy and Oscar the Grouch 8. Mr. Grumpy: It's okay, who's going to help us? Ash Ketchum: Awww, I'm so sorry. You don't know what you're Huxley: That little piece of macrame lives! Maria: Oh, Well I think he was just upset. Mine. (He laughs with Ernie.). Queen of Trash: [to Elmo] Now, if you're able to give, then you pass the ultimate challenge and you and your friends are free to go. Elmo: Yeah and Elmo just want to get his blanket back from Huxley. Hold still Blanket. Mickey Mouse: For the last time! We don't want Oscar to catch us here in his trashcan and [They looks around the mess in the Oscar's can]. (He pulls the blanket away and causes Bug to crash down on a pile. Look at all I got, this lamp, this yacht. Jammie: (mauls Mr. Scatterbrain to death) Got one. Ha ha ha. You've just gotta look closer. Come on. Elmo wants to show you somebody. Give me back my wooby! Grouch police officer: Huxley, You're under arrest! We never, would ever leave you behind. Little Miss Sunshine: I know Mr. We'll get Elmo down and get you out. Whoa. [She takes a look at Elmo's leg] Oh, it's just a little boo boo. (We find two of Huxley's bug just looking around till). Now get out of here! Elmo: Hey, Ash? Mickey Mouse: Well i think the audience is still with us. I think that's their Queen? Susan: I guess you'll just have to wait for Oscar to get back. I will make all of you mine, whether you will enjoy it or not rat! Ernie: Do you think you going to put some clothes on now? Jammie: (licking the blood with her lips) Mmmm, blueberry flavor. Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog! So come on. Mickey Mouse: Wait Annie, i have an idea! Football Stenchman: Make him prove it, Your Highness. Blanket, where are you? Uh-uh. I was too busy listening to you sing. That's Elmo's blanket! Ernie: You see, Bert. Mickey Mouse: By the way, you wouldn't know hot to get to Huxley's would you? Queen of Trash: The Asian girl's right. Grey Grouch: Hey, Hey, hey! Daisy Duck: Yeah, Zoe's right. (Then we find Gordon and Telly trying to get Big Bird into Oscar's can), (Back to Ash and Elmo in Grouchland. Bug, Bug. Hold still Blanket. Adventures opened for business in 2000 and it has always been our goal to give our customers an amazing experience. B-But Gina, Elmo needs his blanket back. This is a transcript for The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland (AlexBrattenRockz Style) . [offers the cone]. Trash Guard #2: They said, they're on their way to Trash Guard #2: Yeah, and maybe, maybe they're both Huxley spies. Elmo: Elmo wants Blanket now! Caterpillar: Oh, oh, hey, don't cry. Big Bird: [pushing a cart with a basket of socks on it] Here we go socks. . Goodbye! That's Elmo's blanket! Okay, keep it balanced now. Mickey Mouse: And the Mystery Mousekatool. We just have to get your blanket back and stop Huxley first. Yell real loud! Big Bird: [pushing a cart with a basket of socks on it] Here we go socks. Quincy: This is awsome! Elmo: But we have to go that way to get to Huxley's house. Mickey Mouse: Hang on Elmo! [The movie starts with a baby blue screen with Ernie humming and walking along until he stopped and noticed an audience and walked to it], (Then we find Gordon and Telly trying to get Big Bird into Oscar's can), (Back to Ash and Elmo in Grouchland. Elmo lend me your bandage. (Elmo, Mickey and the others gets seized again). Male Grouch 2: Oh, I bet that hurt. Huxley: Maybe you should arrange a little introduction for them to the Queen of Trash. Elmo and his friends have to get to Huxley's House. Ernie Ernie, (Ernie and Bert clap. Mr. Grumpy: Sounds like a right idea to me! Mickey Mouse: Well Zoe wanted to hold his blanket. It's okay. Bugsy: Well, I think the blanket is made of all natural fibers. (Ash and Elmo then confidently walk off while dancing to the music), Take the first step and soon you will see, Just how brave your heart can be (Elmo and Ash: Yeah! Now! Sharp rocks! Whoa! Elmo wants Blanket back now. Elmo and his friends the Disney Junior gang couldn't have done it without you. Mickey Mouse: You mean you're just gonna make us yours with just a push of a button on your little contraption of yours? [The question mark fades away, revealing a bandage]. But in some cases, you do like to be around me, but that's not an excuse to save you from what I'm about to do to you, MISS NAUGHTY: YOU'RE JUST A FUCKING IDIOTIC BITCH! Mickey Mouse: We've pick all our mouseketools, say super cheers! Hip-hip hooray! Transcript [The teaser starts with the 1993-2006 version of the Columbia Pictures logo (without the SPE byline), Elmo in Grouchland - Teaser Trailer (1998) then cuts to blue text saying "IN Elmo: No Elmo didn't! A Lantern, A Surfboard, and the mystery mouseketool. So, did you think of a plan to stop that Elmo pest and his friends yet? Not cool, Elmo! [It moves to the bottom right hand corner]. Elmo: Um Elmo's sorry for hurting your feelings. Oh, I love that! Izzy: Yay-hey, we made it out of the mine, and we got 4 more gold doubloons, (4 doubloons appears) let's grab e'm and go get Elmo's blanket back, (she grabs the doubloons with her hand). Huxley: Why is that little red furball so determined to get this blanket? It's very pretty! Pointy rocks! (Bug) An offer you can't refuse. Elmo: Hey! Ha ha ha. Huxley: I don't think so. It's like an offer that you can't decline. Is that legal? Bug came out with a tissue). Blood was leaking out of her eye and few dripping out of her nose. Blanket. Elmo: Oh, oh. And the Disney Junior Gang. Lady Grouch: Oh! What's the Story? Thank you, sir, for helping us. Narrator: Where dirty is good, and everyones a grouch. (Thunder was heard and the trash piles began to open up while music was playing). Musical number coming through. What did I say? Oh, it's just a popped seam. Huxley: Why is that little red furball so determined to get this blanket? They trick Elmo into going into a shortcut, which leads to the palace of The Queen of Trash. Happy sour 16th! Elmo: Elmos not that afraid of a little chicken. Who's Elmo's best friend. (the old man comes to him) Listen. [Trash subjects and Mickey and the other characters cheer]. Elmo can wait. Whee. Look. You're making me fall behind in my work here. Elmo is hailed a hero by the Sesame Street and Grouchland citizens. Thomas and Twilight Sparkle's Adventures allies, Coco (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends), Emerl's Misadventures Of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest movie transcripts, My Little Pony/Sonic Heroes Power Hour Timeline Paradox Transcript, The Transcript for Pooh's Adventures of Pokmon: The Movie 2000, Making snowglobes and discussing the Deegans, Emerl's Adventures Of Barney in Outer Space Transcript, Opening/Prologue/Getting Mousketools/Going To Sesame Street, Meeting The Disney Junior Gang/ Meeting Zoe and tug-a-war with Elmo's blanket/Chase/Oscar is not home, Elmo, Mickey, Pluto, the Little Einsteins, Oso, Sofia, Jake, Izzy, Cubby, Skully, Docs toys and the tools winding up in Grouchland, Encountering Huxley, Captain Hook, Mr. Smee and Big Jet, Take the First Step/Huxley's Plot/Heroes in Jail, The Queen of Trash/I See a Kingdom/The Ultimate Challenge, Huxley's Secret Weapon/Tiny the Humongous Chicken/Elmo gives up, Huxley's Morning/Wooby is mine for keepsies, The Disney Junior Gang and the Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland. Elmo: Yeah and Elmo just want to get his blanket back from Huxley. Come on! Caterpillar: Anytime bear! It's mine, mine, mine. She'll give it back when she's finished. (waves) Bye-bye. Let me see you do your stuff. Then a surfboard appears], [The surfboard moves To The bottom left hand corner then a question mark appears indicating the mystery mousketool]. Ernie: No, Bert. I bet his ten times as worse than Pete! I'm just a little, tiny caterpillar. Cookie Monster: Me innocent. Yeah, and he never gives up till he gets it back. Elmo: Thanks Ash! (thunder rang). Very smoky. Come on over an meet everybody blank- [notices that his Blanket is missing] Blanket? Elmo loves you. Elmo: Why should we be afraid of a little chicken? Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure/Gallery, Bert: Hey Wait Stop The Film! Problem. Elmo didn't[gasps] Wait a minute! (They see pictures of their times at Grouchland and Sesame Street). [faints and collapses]. Elmo would never, would ever, leave you behind. Sharp rocks! Wow! See ya! ), [Precious Wings plays during the credits], Spread your precious wings and fly, fly, fly, fly From the moment that we breathe the life in to circle around the sun Each of us has to find a way to be just what were meant to become There's a magic in the every day, but often we forget There's a power in the gift of love when it's love that you least expect And you crawl until the day you stand to stumble once again Walk until you lose yourself, desperate to be set And you run until you run away before you realize that all you really ever had to do was spread your precious wings and fly, fly, fly, fly Every one of us who sees the faith learning how to shine Everything needs room to grow rising up to the warmth of the light Abut there is a magic in the everyday that often we forget There's a power in the gift of love when it's love that you least expect And you crawl until the day you stand to stumble once again Walk until you lose yourself, desperate to be set And you run until you run away before you realize that all you really ever had to do was spread your precious wings and fly In the time it takes to live one life a million lessons can be learned So just remember hearts can always change to get you on your way And you crawl until the day you stand to stumble once again Walk until you lose yourself desperate to be set And you run until you run away before you realize that all you really ever had to do was spread your precious wings and fly..flyy..spread your precious wings and flyyy. June: A soft bandage, that will help make Elmo's boo boo feel better. Leo: And encountering a humoungous chicken. Mr. Grumpy: Crooked cucumbers! Elmo: Wait, wait. This is good. Help! My super body can't take this much weight. Singers: Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog, now we got ears, it's time for shoes. We never, would ever leave you behind. Ice cream! Elmo: Well Elmo can still try, Oscar, Elmo really needs his blanket! Queen of Trash: Yes he does, or else him and you guys will be here forever. Narrator: The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland. King Roland II: That was very hurtful what you just said, Elmo! Hey, nice cardigan. Oh, Elmo's so glad to see you! Bug: Maybe because it's so devastatingly cuddly. Like this. (While heading, Jammie's at the tree spotted them.). Your tushy bone is crushing my skull! Bert: (to the audience) See ya! Elmo: Thank you, Miss Queen. Ernie: Ready? Minnie Mouse: Oh i was so worried about you. Bob: Well im sure it was an accident Zoe, Elmo will probably get over it. The woobie is mine for keepsies The woobie is mine for keepsies The woobie is mine for keepsies for keepsies for keepsies. I know you can't see it in my mouth because it looks like i don't have one. [picks the blanket up]. Elmo: see a kingdom. Football Stenchman:: They said, they're on their way to Football Stenchman:: Yeah, and maybe, maybe they're both Huxley spies. That's it. Zoe: Oh. The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland/Transcript. It's mine, mine, mine. Mickey Mouse: Great! Elmo: Forget it Mickey. Make way. Zoe: Ash, I love your Pikachu. do do do do do do. Narrator: The story about with the DillyDale Zoo has comes to a closed at night, the wild animals sleeping in their protective cages. Youre in Grouchland! (Music begins to play as Ash, Pikachu, and Elmo notice the pile of trash they're on starts to move as they were in a truck). The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland (Featuring The PBS Kids Characters) is A Sesame Street Movie from Columbia Pictures, Jim Henson Pictures, and Children's Television Workshop. Minnie Mouse: Yeah you'll get it back soon. < The Adventures of Timmy Turner in Grouchland View source Contents 1 Start 2 Timmy Turner's Favorite Thing 3 Together Forever 4 Trixie 5 Runaway Blanket 6 Crocker Isnt Home 7 Silver Amazon Adventures offers kayaking trips along some Amazon tributaries, where you can fish for piranhas and camp out in the rainforest. Football Stenchman: Oh, no way bukko! Huxley: Well, that's ok. [to Elmo] Because once you and your friends in the cage are mine, you're other friends will be next as well. Believe me, we've seen it. (Bug) An offer you can't refuse. Ernie: Now, this movie you're about to see is all about, Elmo. Mickey Mouse: Remember what we used to catch up to Elmo really fast? Bert: Ernie! The boss is walking! Huxley: Oh, really? Daisy Duck That's some music they're making. Yeah, Elmo's blanket. Contents Minnie Mouse: I think so too. Dusty A lantern. Have you seen my anti-bacterial soap? Elmo: But, Zoe. Mickey, Pluto, Little Einsteins, Oso, Sofia, Manny, Jake, Izzy, Cubby, Skully, Docs toys and the tools: Ow, Ugh. We'll get you some water. Far, far away. to the sky (Elmo: Thanks a lot everybody!) Huxley: That's right. Elmo: Well, We're going to make it! You proved it by getting this far. (He and Ash walk down) Oh, oh! Ernie: See Bert, just like I told ya. The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland is a transcript. Ash, Elmo and Pikachu look at her with concern.). [deposits some clothes in the washer and closes the washer], [Baby Bear and Gina danced and played to the music), [Rosita, and Prairie Dawn, play with the clothes on the clothesline], [Gordon with sticks and his hands and starts playing the pipes], [Luis grabs tubs of laundry soap and starts drumming them], [Count von Count and Susan dance as well], [The Disney Junior Gang hear the commotion]. (He greets them one by one in Dillydale, walking into the sidewalk.). Ernie: Do you think you going to put some clothes on now? [makes buzz sound and clicks the button] Ping! We must plan a strategy to get inside Huxley's house. Bug: Maybe because it's so devastatingly cuddly. [The roller skates move to the top right hand corner. I'll give back the sun, and the moon, and the earth, and the stars. My super body can't take this much weight. Right here. You're right! Bug: Not yet, boss. In the second Sesame Street theatrical film, fourteen years after Follow That Bird, Elmo spends time with his favorite blanket. Bert: Okay. Elmo wants his Blanket back now [tries to grab his Blanket from Zoe]. Handy Manny: Si. Well, listen, I like Grover: This looks like a job for Super Grover! Bert: I knew Elmo would get his blanket back and Ash would got Pikachu back. I can't take it anymore! Mickey Mouse: We came to get you, and your blanket. That's why they call her Soggy. Here is his spout. The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland is a 1999 American musical fantasy-comedy film in which a tug-of-war between Elmo and his friend sends his blanket to faraway (Bug) It is such an honor. Bug: [surprised] Nice? Ernie! Ash Ketchum: I don't know. [turns to leave, but then notices that the end credits are starting] Oh, look, look, look! (Mr. Tickle has an axe buried into his back when a pool of blood forming underneath him. 3x Na, na, na!! (Laughs) I knew that. Huxley: Oh, that's rich, huh? Oh, hey guys, have you seen Blanket? He is suddenly plunged into Grouchland, the land of Grouches, stinky garbage and the greedy Huxley (Mandy Patinkin) who hasn't learned how to share. Stuckweed: Now, get up there, my little red mophead, and take that step. Let me out of here! [to the Disney Junior Gang] Now, if you would all please follow me to the Anywhere Area. Mickey Mouse: How about it, Elmo? Grizzy: Huxley's house on the top of Mount Pickanose. Oscar the Grouch is convinced to help set things right as well as admitting that Elmo is his friend. Ernie: Now come on, Bert, let's go find what happens to Elmo. You'll see! Come on! Elmo's Blanket. [laughs] Oh hey, since your here, I want to show you something. Bug: See, we're putting in a new Starbucks. Grouch police officer: It's against the law to ask for help in Grouchland! Leave, but Quincy, Elmo really fast Mr. Scatterbrain to death ) got.. Cart with a basket of socks on it ] here we go socks Elmo. 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