The free breakfast program was one of those ideas that just kind of arose out of a need. And so they're trapped in some ways [and] can't get out of that box as time goes on. I think that the Black Panthers and the leadership felt that their phones were tapped and those kind of things, but nobody understood the extent that the FBI was going to destroy the Panthers and other groups. Paul Bass
A century has passed since Marcus Garvey built the largest mass movement organization among blacks in American history. SO THE PANTHERS IN MANY WAYS DIDN'T KIND OF UNDERSTAND EXACTLY WHAT WAS HAPPENING TO THEM. I'M GOING TO LET YOU RUN AND THEN I'LL STEP IN. The Party espoused a Marxist political stance, manifest in programs such as the Free Breakfast for Children Program and the Peoples Free Medical Clinics. The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense would, for a short time, put itself at the vanguard of that change. The Party was not immune to the surveillance of the federal government; former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover made it his mission to cripple the Party through his COINTELPRO program. Stephen Shames, Black Panthers carry George Jacksons coffin into St. Augustines Episcopal Church for his funeral service as a huge crowd watches, Oakland, California, August 28, 1971Courtesy Steven Kasher Gallery, New York. The Panthers struck a chord among black youth for definite historical reasons. Many people know that we exploited the Black Panthers but I think there is a lot of evidence that they used us to their advantage.They were able to establish their legitimacy as a voice of protest. We also encounter former Party member Ericka Huggins in the midst of a deep laugh while attending the Partys Community Survival Conference in Oakland; Party members Ila Mason and Jamal Joseph leading a political education class in Harlem; and a Panther child smiling at the camera in the classroom of the Panthers Oakland school. He was awarded the National Humanities Medal by President Obama in August 2014. The director notes that when he began the film seven years ago, he could never have anticipated that it would be released at a time when issues of police brutality and justice for African-Americans were so prominent. IF YOU HAD TO NAME WHO THE LEADERS ARE, I WOULD CHALLENGE ANYBODY TO NAME THEM. HOST TAG Much has been written by and about the Panthers. The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution is the first feature length documentary to showcase the Black Panther Party, its significance to the broader American culture, its cultural and political awakening for black people, and the . Host an Exhibition, Lead Supporters Staff Aired on June 10, 2020.. Their message of unqualified resistance to racism, armed self-defense and anti-capitalist revolutionary politics galvanized the creation of chapters of the Party in nearly every city and state of the US. 1960s deception fbi federal bureau of investigation timeframe 1960s timeframe 1970s 72 more Plot summary Add synopsis Genres Documentary History vanOs, Media Managers
I THINK ONE OF THE THINGS THAT'S HAPPENING IN THE MOMENT THAT WE'RE LIVING IN NOW IS THE POWERS THAT BE ARE SAYING, YOU KNOW, GIVING THE MOVEMENT ITS HEAD. Some societies use Oxford Academic personal accounts to provide access to their members. YOU KNOW, THOSE OF US OF A CERTAIN AGE ARE PROBABLY PRETTY FAMILIAR WITH THE BLACK PANTHERS, THOSE OF US WHO WERE PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT THEY WERE DOING AS A MOMENT IN HISTORY, BUT I THINK A LOT OF OUR YOUNGER VIEWERS ARE PROBABLY MORE -- KNOW MORE ABOUT THEIR MYTH THAN THEIR REALITY. As we witness the rise of a new group of young, black, activists in the U.S., and as we continue pursuing a vision of liberty that includes all Americans, the story of the Black Panther Party remains a vital point of reference. Jordan Miller
On how the FBI targeted the Black Panther Party. (c) 2015 FIRELIGHT FILMS. 64. Yasmin Garcia
Check back tomorrow for Part Two of the Black Panthers, Vanguard of the Revolution. In the turbulent 1960s, change was coming to America and the fault lines could no longer be ignored cities were burning, Vietnam was exploding, and disputes raged over equality and civil rights. The idea of writing letters to people's husbands or wives to tear them apart that was one of the tactics that the FBI was using, but just anything that they could possibly do to tear people apart and to create the sense of paranoia because you didn't know what was going on. You didn't know what was true or what was not true; you didn't know who your friends were. The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution is a 2015 American documentary film directed and written by Stanley Nelson Jr. Education in Black and White: Myles Horton and the Highlander Center's Vision for Social Justice, Saving the Overlooked Continent: American Protestant Missions in Western Europe, 19401975, Emancipating Masculinity: Black Union Deserters and Their Families in the Civil War South, Rotary International and the Selling of American Capitalism, About the Organization of American Historians, Subscription prices and ordering for this journal, Purchasing options for books and journals across Oxford Academic, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic. Stephen Shames revisits his chronicleof American activism. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Trudy Williams, Production Interns
"It's made people want to see the film and want to understand how this was happening 50 years ago and it's still happening now," he says. Getty Images International / BBC Worldwide
A new revolutionary culture was emerging and it sought to drastically transform the system. Sometimes the rhetoric is definitely over-the-top, and I think that's one of the things that the Panthers knew and wanted it to be over-the-top. The Black Panthers film page states that cities were burning, Vietnam was exploding and disputes raged over equality and civil rights. Courtesy of Unichappel Music, Inc. (BMI)
Choose this option to get remote access when outside your institution. [3] The film was pitched at Sheffield Doc/Fest's MeetMarket in 2014 and is the first of a three-part series of documentary films about African-American history America Revisited. Some stories are told using media archival footage from the media, while others are conveyed from the point of view of those previously involved with and against the group. DVD is still in shrink wrap with original seal and stickers. Center for Sacramento History, KCRA TV Film Collection
Master documentarian Stanley Nelson goes straight to the source, weaving a treasure trove of rare archival . Stephen Shames, Memorial mural for Jonathan Jackson, who was killed on August 7, 1970, during an attempt to kidnap California Superior Court judge Harold Haley and three others to exchange for the freedom of his brother, George Jackson, Roxbury section of Boston, Massachusetts, 1970Courtesy Steven Kasher Gallery, New York. Ed Boyer
BUT I THINK -- I THINK THERE WILL BE, YOU KNOW, A STRONG -- A STRONG BACKLASH. The organisation combated police brutality aimed at African-Americans but fell apart because of internal tensions and shootouts. NARRATOR White House Communications Agency
Greg Quedens
Read reviews and buy The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution (2016) at Target. THE PANTHERS WERE IN YOUR FACE AND SAID, NO, YOU KNOW, WE DON'T HAVE TO WAIT AND THAT'S WHERE WE ARE. . Music and Lyrics by Gil Scott-Heron
Taylor Branch
Stephen Shames, Black Panther co-founders Bobby Seale & Huey Newton pose in Hueys penthouse apartment, Oakland, California, 1971Courtesy Steven Kasher Gallery, New York. Price: $21.24. Courtesy of Ellis Eugene Blacknell, Jr. Damn Right I Am Somebody
"What they were really doing was policing the police.". He built up a cult of personality, calling himself the Supreme Servant of the People. In 1972, Newton shut down the every chapter outside of Oakland, and put the Partys reputation on the line in an attempt to get Seale elected Mayor of Oakland. YOU KNOW, THIS HE HAD A BUNCH OF SOCIAL PROGRAMS AND, YOU KNOW, THAT THEY WERE ALIGNED IN MANY WAYS WITH THE ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT AND THE WOMEN'S MOVEMENT AND THEY WEREN'T OUT THERE BY THEMSELVES, THERE WAS SO MUCH MORE TO THE PANTHERS THAN BLACK RADICALISM AND VIOLENCE. Middlebury, VT 05753. I was taught to be proper.Behave yourself.Youre going out in public to always know that the white man was listening.With the Black Panthers coming to the scene, it was just a completely different message.As a 12 year old, youknow what?You had this whole other portrayal of self and just really digging it! SO WE WILL SEE WHAT HAPPENS, BUT I THINK WHAT'S MORE IMPORTANT IS THAT RIGHT NOW THIS MOVEMENT HAS TAKEN OFF, THAT, YOU KNOW, THE MULTITUDE OF PEOPLE WHO ARE CONTRIBUTING AND LEADING IT, YOU KNOW, I WOULD SAY, YOU KNOW, I'M GOING TO BACK UP AND LET THEM DO WHAT THEY'RE DOING BECAUSE THEY SEEM -- IT SEEMS TO BE REALLY WORKING AND THEY SEEM TO BE DOING IT REALLY, REALLY WELL. Margaret Sclafani, Production Assistants
All rights reserved. YOU KNOW, THE PANTHERS WAS NOT -- WERE NOT ALL HUEY NEWTON AND, YOU KNOW, ELDRIDGE CLEAVER AND BOBBY SEALE AND ELAINE BROWN, THEY WERE ALSO, YOU KNOW, PEOPLE WHO JOINED THE PANTHERS, YOU KNOW, SO WE WANTED TO SAY WHY DID YOU JOIN THE PANTHERS? The Black Panthers fought racial oppression in the late 60s and 70s, serving as a catalyst for societal change while also at times resorting to violence. Stanley Nelson tells the vibrant story of a pivotal movement that feels timely all over again. Kenneth Green, Sr.
Vision & Justice The Black Panthers: Vanguard of a Revolution is a co-production of Firelight Films, Inc. and the Independent Television Service (ITVS), with funding provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). By 1968 Bobby Hutton was the first Black Panther to die at the hands of the police.It was viewed as Police Brutality by Panther sympathizers. They famously had an image of openly bearing arms and their overall approach was of a more confrontational style than that preached by Martin Luther King. Years after its first utterance, Newtons claim remains the most definitive statement regarding the ethos that guided the Panthers. TURAN: Well, as you can imagine that overthrowing of the United States government caught the attention of J. Edgar. How Many Ukrainian Refugees Will Return Home? Members of the Black Panthers line up at a rally at DeFremery Park in Oakland, Calif. Nearly 50 years ago, in 1966, a group of six black men in Oakland, Calif., came together in an effort to curb police brutality against African-Americans in the city. AWARD-WINNING FILMMAKER STANLEY NELSON REFLECTS ON CIVIL RIGHTS- FROM THE BLACK PANTHERS MOVEMENT TO THE BLACK LIVES MATTER MOVEMENT AND WHAT TODAYS DEMONSTRATORS CAN LEARN FROM THEIR PREDECESSORS WHO FOUGHT BEFORE THEM. LISTEN, I WAS GOING TO LEAVE THIS TO THE END BUT I'M GOING TO SAY IT AT THE BEGINNING. BBC Motion Gallery
The film combines archival footage and interviews with surviving Panthers and FBI agents to tell the story of the revolutionary black organization the Black Panther Party. San Francisco Bay Area Television Archive
Did Man Who Armed Black Panthers Lead Two Lives. Written by Ellis E. Blacknell
=====. Sveriges TV AB
Nelson has directed and produced numerous acclaimed films, including Freedom Summer, Freedom Riders, Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple and The Murder of Emmett Till. Courtesy of Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Co. (BMI)
The Black Panthers, as they became known, would follow the police around, jumping out of their cars with guns drawn if the police made a stop. THE PANTHERS CHANGED THE WAY WE RESPOND AS AFRICAN-AMERICANS. Lauretta Molitor
Rather than the usual textbook approach that focuses on the famous photos of angry black men wearing leather jackets and berets while toting firearms, this is a much more comprehensive look at the complexities of the organization and its members. Choose from Same Day Delivery, Drive Up or Order Pickup. NARRATOR Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum
Institut national de l'audiovisuel (INA)
By arrangement with Sony Music Licensing, (For God's Sake) Give More Power to the People
Stephen Shames, Black Panther member sells The Black Panther, the Partys newspaper, in the Roxbury section of Boston, Massachusetts, 1970Courtesy Steven Kasher Gallery, New York. The Panthers, again, were much more urban. Gregory Brutus
Janice A Garrett-Fort
After the U.S. civil rights movement, change and a revolutionary counter culture emerged in the late 1960's.A historical documentary traces the disputes that raged over racial inequality and civil. They were gun-toting fanatics. But Nelsons film is the best short introduction to the Party to date. "For God's sake," the group sings, "why dontcha give more power to the people?" The Afro-clad quartet deliver their message of protest with a funky groove, a technique director Stanley Nelson adopts for this documentary. You can find out about upcoming screenings of The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution at After the U.S. civil rights movement, change and a revolutionary counter culture emerged in the late 1960s.A historical documentary traces the disputes that raged over racial inequality and civil rights and the new political party that emerged.VOAs Carolyn Turner, reports onThe Black Panthers, Vanguards of the Revolution.. I MEAN, ARE YOU RALLYING AGAINST THE FACT THAT A COP, YOU KNOW, SAT ON A GUY'S NECK FOR ALMOST NINE MINUTES UNTIL HE WAS DEAD? Just four days later, as shown in the film, Los Angeles police attacked the Panthers office on Central Avenue, as part of an effort by the LAPD to show that they were the dominant force. Instead, their attack provoked a shootout in which the Black Panther defenders held off the police for hours, eventually emerging relatively unscathed, embarrassing the LAPD no end. Power to the People: The Black Panthers in Photographs by Stephen Shames and Graphics by Emory Douglas is on view at Steven Kasher Gallery, New York, through October 29, 2016. So if you look at some of the pictures, everybody has on leather jackets, but they're all slightly different some might have a double-breasted black leather jacket, some might have a black jacket with a zipper, some might have a black jacket that's kind of a suit jacket. "The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution," a documentary on the 60s civil rights group 37,478 views Sep 25, 2015 741 Dislike Share NOWNESS 900K subscribers Shades, afros,. This film was produced by Firelight Films, Inc., which is solely responsible for its content. Avram Billig
The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution by Marc Norton The title of Stanley Nelson's new documentary film The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution, says it clearly. Bobby Huttonbecame a martyr for the Black Power cause, which fueled other sympathetic causes across the country to support them in solidarity. Hindsight affords a particular kind of clarity. I THINK THAT, YOU KNOW -- WHAT I THINK WHAT'S IMPORTANT IS THAT PEOPLE WHO ARE INVOLVED AND ARE GETTING OUT THERE IN THE STREETS CONTINUE TO DO THAT AND THAT YOUNG PEOPLE, YOU KNOW, A LOT OF YOUNG PEOPLE ARE INVOLVED IN A MOVEMENT FOR THE FIRST TIME, YOU KNOW, AND THEY -- THE POLITICALNESS OF THEIR LIVES WILL STAY THERE, YOU KNOW? "[10], In contrast, Michael Moynihan, writing in The Daily Beast, accused the film of "whitewashing" the politics and activities of the BPP. YOU KNOW, THE POLICE AND THE POLICE UNIONS ARE VERY, VERY ORGANIZED AND WILL DO ANYTHING, YOU KNOW, TO HOLD ON TO THE POWER THAT THEY HAVE AND THE MONEY THAT THEY HAVE. And it worked. In one image from 1970, Newton, the former Minister of Defense for the Party, stands in his living room shortly after his release from prison. YOU KNOW, THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED. Abstract: "The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution is the first feature length documentary to explore the Black Panther Party, its significance to the broader American culture, its cultural and political awakening for black people, and the painful lessons wrought when a movement derails. Police harassment and brutality against young black men became one of the main sources of recruitment for the Black Panthers. Support for the Panthers was broad and deep, as the film makes clear, surviving and flourishing even while Newton was locked up for the alleged murder of a police officer, and Seale faced a series of trumped-up criminal charges. The Black Panther Party was, in its day, the leading organizational expression of the revolutionary forces in the United States. The film includes considerable footage of Fred Hampton, the leader of the Panthers in Chicago. Bill Wingell, Oakland Tribune/ Bay Area News Group East Bay, LLC, Bob Olender, Herald Examiner Collection/Los Angeles Public Library, Daily Worker/Daily World Photographs Collection Tamiment Library, New York University, Temple University Libraries, Special Collections Research Center, Philadelphia, PA, Howard Robbins /San Francisco Examiner Collection, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
SOT: Jim Dunbar, Journalist National Archives and Records Administration
The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense would, for a short time, put itself at the vanguard of that change. We hear a great deal about the Black Panthers SO I THINK THERE WILL BE, YOU KNOW, A STRONG -- IT'S NOT EVEN A BACKLASH -- A STRONG COUNTER TO WHAT'S GOING ON NOW AND I THINK IN SOME WAYS WE'RE LIVING IN SUCH A STRONG MOMENT THAT -- THAT, YOU KNOW, THE POWERS THAT BE ARE JUST KIND OF LETTING PEOPLE HAVE THEIR REIGN. And I think [what] the Black Panthers wanted to do they wanted to get attention. Nelson interviewed over fifty people for the film, with around thirty making it into the final cut. SOT: Kathleen Cleaver The postwar capitalist boom had left out tens of millions of workers and the poor, and the poverty rate remained . The site's consensus states: "The Black Panthers: Vanguard Of The Revolution offers a fascinating -- if somewhat rudimentary -- introduction to a movement, and an era, that remains soberingly relevant today. The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution is a 2015 American documentary film directed and written by Stanley Nelson Jr. Help bring programs like Independent Lens to your PBS station. Shames accesses the intimacies of the Partys interior world, and his photographs evoke a tenderness that is hard to shake. What Is the Environmental Cost of Photography? The Black Panthers movement. Ron Riesterer
YOU DON'T SEE A LOT OF DONALD TRUMP RIGHT NOW. When Huey Newton and Bobby Seale founded the Party in 1966, they were riding a wave of rebellion that had engulfed Black America from boycotts, sit-ins and Freedom Rides in the South, to mass riots and near-insurrections in the Black ghettoes of the North. Fifty years ago, on October 15, 1966, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale founded the Black Panther Party for Self Defense in Oakland, California. A lot of people don't know that was really part of the traditional civil rights movement, that they dressed up because they wanted to show you the difference between them all dressed up in suits and ties the women were encouraged to wear dresses and sometimes little white gloves because they wanted to show you the difference between them and the mobs that would be chasing them or screaming at them. Nate Horowitz
Lisbet Tellefson
Mel and Marilyn Cherman
Partners Jeff Carlton
The look was very, very calculated. With Cleaver in exile in Algeria, Newton controlled the Party apparatus, such as it was. The short life of former Black Panther Party Illinois Chapter Chairman Fred Hampton is dramatized brilliantly in Shaka King's latest feature, the acclaimed Judas and the Black Messiah. Performed by Billy Paul
The film does a good job of showing the operation of the Panthers Free Breakfast program, which itself was an expression of the mass character of the Party. If you cannot sign in, please contact your librarian. 2023 Independent Television Service (ITVS). All Rights Reserved. They had no background checks that they could do on people, so they had this kind of open-door policy: If you wanted to join the Panthers, they wanted you to be part of it. Fifty years ago, it seemed, the world was poised for revolution. Rhon G. Flatts
Edited by dqui kioni-sadiki and Matt Meyer. Holland Lake and the Consent of the Governed, Harvards Kennedy School: Key Part Of The Military-Industrial Complex, Turning Influence Into Money in the EU Parliament, The Politics of Regionalism: Secession vs. Interdependence, Think Big Techs Thousands of Layoffs Indicate a Coming Recession? I MEAN, THERE'S SO MANY THINGS AND I URGE ALL OF YOU FILMMAKERS, WANT TO BE FILMMAKERS, TO DVR THIS DOCUMENTARY AND STUDY BECAUSE THIS IS A DOCUMENTARY THAT IS WELL DONE. The Black Panther party flashed across the nation's consciousness in the latter half of the 1960s, following the integrationist, nonviolent, and mainly southern-oriented civil rights movement. Virgil Roberts
Jobs NBC News Archives
Miranda Sullivan
Jia Yu Wu, Associated Press
Copyright 2023 Organization of American Historians. Some societies use Oxford Academic personal accounts to provide access to their members. AP Archives
Doug Coronado
Washington State Archives
[5], The film received both acclaim and reproval from critics. The Black Panther Party is simply the vanguard of the revolution, he declared. Established on the heels of the civil rights movement, the Panthers were a political party committed to dismantling antiblack structures and policies that had afflicted black people for centuries. Performed by Fred Wesley & The J.B.'s
Sam Aleshinloye/Courtesy of Firelight Media Paul Sequeira
Documentary Fortnight (Feb 13 - 28, 2015):"The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution" is the first feature-length documentary to . The period when the Party was at its peak, in the late 60s and early 70s, was also the heyday of the mass youth revolt and the anti-Vietnam War movement that has come to be known as The Sixties. Despite all the rewriting of history that has occurred since that fateful time, this was a period in which millions in the US believed that revolutionary change was in the air, that imperialist war, capitalist exploitation and racism needed to die, and that radical change was not only possible but also inevitable. AND THE RISE OF GEORGE WALLACE AS A PROMINENT NATIONAL FIGURE. Written by Charles Wright
The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution (2015) Format: DVD Genre: Special Interest-Documentary. Terms of Use. TAGS: black lives matter, black panthers, civil rights, Protests, stanley nelson, vanguard of the revolution, 2023 WNET. Getty Images
Revisit the turbulent 1960s, when a new revolutionary culture emerged with the Black Panther Party at the vanguard. Am I Black Enough for You
Courtesy of Republic Records
If you believe you should have access to that content, please contact your librarian. Courtesy of Brunswick Record Corporation. Music Editor's note: Back in February, we held an event with filmmaker Stanley Nelson to talk about his now Emmy-nominated film, The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution. Performed by Eugene Blacknell and the New Breed
The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution is the first feature-length documentary to explore the Black Panther Party, its significance to the broader American culture, its cultural and political awakening for black people, and the painful lessons wrought when a movement derails. That in itself tells you how dangerous this movement was to the rulers, and how dangerous its true history remains today. Select your institution from the list provided, which will take you to your institution's website to sign in. One of the most moving sequences in the film is a shot of Hampton leading a multi-racial mass meeting in Chicago, bringing them to their feet, fists in the air, chanting I am a revolutionary!. The Black Panthers were absolutely unique. This fast-moving film on what may be the most controversial group in American history is balanced through stories told from multiple perspectivespolice, FBI agents and infiltrators, journalists, white supporters and detractors, Panther leaders who remained loyal to the party, and . Jennifer Chien
They were dangerous. Tolbert Small
The youthfulness of the Panthers was an asset, a potency that enhanced the reach of their radical actions. Image Fortress Corp
The Black Panthers were formed to stand up for blacks in the more 'equal' urban areas who were still put upon by the white authorities and who still suffered much racism. A new revolutionary culture was emerging and it sought to drastically transform the system. Nelsons film does not shy away from the story of the demise of the Party. YOU KNOW, HE DOES HIS LITTLE TWEETS BECAUSE HE CAN'T HELP HIMSELF, BUT AT SOME POINT, YOU KNOW, THEY WILL REEMERGE. Featuring Kathleen Cleaver, Jamal Joseph, Ericka Huggins, and dozens of others, as well as archival footage of the late Huey P. Newton and Eldridge Cleaver, The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution tells the story of a pivotal movement that gave rise to a new revolutionary culture in America. [4] It will be followed by Tell Them We Are Rising: The Story of Historically Black Colleges and Universities and The Slave Trade: Creating a New World. Yet, the further we travel away from the Panther era, the greater our chance to distort that reality. If you see Sign in through society site in the sign in pane within a journal: If you do not have a society account or have forgotten your username or password, please contact your society. Chicago Film Archives
Still, the Pantherslegacy looms large. SO WHAT CAN BLACK LIVES MATTER AND THE OTHER SOCIAL MOVEMENTS WHO HAVE TAKEN TO THE STREETS, ARE PROTESTING SINCE THE DEATH OF GEORGE FLOYD, WHAT CAN THEY LEARN FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF THE PANTHERS? George Lester Jackson (September 23, 1941 - August 21, 1971) was an American author, activist and prisoner. All rights administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. Earl Leon Anthony
SO WE WERE JUST TRYING TO TALK ABOUT THE REALITY OF THE PANTHERS AND WE ALSO WANTED TO TALK TO WHAT THEY CALLED THE RANK AND FILE, YOU KNOW, MEMBERS. Do not use an Oxford Academic personal account. Qty: Add to Cart. The party captured the imagination of the urban black youth and black college students and won allies in the predominantly white antiVietnam War movement and among Latino and Asian American activists. YOU KNOW, ONE OF THE THINGS THAT THE PANTHERS WERE REALLY GREAT AT IS SEIZING THE MEDIA, YOU KNOW, AND KIND OF TAKING OVER THE MEDIA AND GETTING THEIR MESSAGE ACROSS. Karin Stanford
Jessica Clark
Dir. Access to content on Oxford Academic is often provided through institutional subscriptions and purchases. James T. Campbell
Members of the Black Panthers line up at a rally at DeFremery Park in Oakland, Calif. Patrick Ulysse, Supervising Sound-Editor + Re-Recording Mixer
Seth Cooper
On Rotten Tomatoes, it has a 92% rating based on 36 reviews, with an average rating of 7.6/10. Master documentarian Stanley Nelson goes straight to the source, weaving a treasure trove of rare archival footage with the diverse group of voices of the people who were there: police, FBI informants, journalists, white supporters and detractors, and Black Panthers who remained loyal to the party and those who left it. The film interviews surviving FBI agents and Black Panthers to get their side of things and help fill in the gaps. WE WELCOME YOU BACK TO THE PROGRAM. WHAT DID YOU DO IN THE PANTHERS AND WHY DID YOU LEAVE? FILMSOT: Photographerstook our pictures, they took advantage they put them in newspapers they put them on magazines, and that look that we projected, the leather jackets the big AFRO the shades, that became a hit !Obviously photographers were drawn to it. [@8:00 to understand the Panthers at all you have to understand what was going on in this period that we cover on the film 1966 to73.You know when there were all these movementschurningin America at the time.There was the traditional civil rights movement, the antiwar movement, the student movement the women's liberation movement there were all these things about what happened and they were all part of you know what was going on in the states. Humanities Medal by President Obama in August 2014 simply the vanguard Panthers CHANGED the WAY RESPOND..., as you can find out about upcoming screenings of the Panthers, again, were more. Wallace as a PROMINENT National FIGURE n't get out of that change / BBC Worldwide a revolutionary.. `` BMI ) Privacy Policy so what is the best short to. In shrink wrap with original seal and stickers free breakfast program was one of those ideas that kind... 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