Out of indolence one half is usually woven tight and the other rather loose. The more formal ways to say this are: Hello (polite). After a while it will grow exhausted and surrender to its fate. O le i'a ititi o igaga. Type-written copy. The word savini means the beating of the young birds' wings at their first attempts to fly. 121. Same meaning as No. Lefao's people heard the call and repeated it so that the news of his victory quickly spread through the bush and through the town. Only the manutagi is still caught in the old way and, if the report be true, the chiefs of Aopo and Tiave'a will, occasionally, net pigeons according to the ancient rules of the hunt. Mocking words meaning: Dont speak boastfully about the loss of an object whose existence was unknown. The pigeons are scattered in the bush to look for food, to mate, etc. Ua tuliloa le atu a le sa'u. 37. If used in the other sense, it refers to pigeon hunting. (This copy is now in the Alexander Turnbull Library. One day her brother went out to noose sharks and stayed away a long time. The bow and the stern are partly decked in. The king is dead, long live the king. Fa'amanu po'ia i le ofaga. The Fijian used bow and arrow; the other fished with a spear like the Samoans. 113. Catch the bird, but watch the breakers. The inhabitants of the coast finally determined to rid themselves of the oppressor. (Samoan Proverb) More Samoan Proverbs (Based on Topics) Love Proverbs - Life Proverbs - Death & Dying Proverbs - Success Proverbs - Happiness Proverbs - Friendship Proverbs - View All Topics. The space between the huts at the ve'a hunt. 166. 162. ", "He who comes for the inheritance is often made to pay for the funeral. Fa'i pea le pou i Faleolo, 'ai su'e le i'a a Leaosavai'i. Upu fa'aulaula addressed to a person who appears unexpectedly. Applied to petty quarrels between families which are not of a political character and do not threaten the general peace of the community. The barracuda sleeps by itself because the other fish fear and avoid it. The family is the most significant socio-political element of Samoan society. Ua fuifui fa'atasi, 'ae vao 'ese'ese. Fa'ape'ape'a le tu. Like a sega sitting on a coconut leaf. Shall I become your working girdle? One single deck. Cancel. Utu is the bamboo receptacle in which the hooks are kept. Neiafu is not the village of this name in Savai'i, but a piece of land near Falepuga, Upolu. To get good hooks one has to ask in the houses of the tautai (afolau 1); elsewhere only inferior hooks will be offered. Upu fa'amafanafana. The lou is a long pole with a crook at the end, used in gathering breadfruit. Upu fa'aalualu: To effect a union or an alliance; to pursue a goal with united strength. O le va'a si'i vale la'u lauga nei. 13. Upu taofiofi: Let each one attend to his own affairs and not meddle with those of others. 90. Ua se ta'ata'a a le ala. Like the grass on the wayside. The aggrieved person usually leaves it to another to utter this reproach unless he is unable to contain his anger. 3. For the community hunt a tia (cleared space in the bush for hunting) was prepared and shelters or hiding places erected for the individual hunters. The glare of her torch unexpectedly attracted a large number of flying fish that fell into the canoe although it was not flying fish she wanted but a different kind. 110. The Samoans say that its existence is useless - 154 (ola fua), since it does not try to evade its enemies. More Samoan Proverbs: You shake in vain the branch that bears no fruit. I was also told that Seu foga'afa designates a usage customary at the alafaga and resembles the malagafaga (No. We have overcome some difficulties, but there are more ahead of us. This is used of someone who tries to prevent or settle a dispute. If you are grieving, give yourself time. 16. Samoan The knee feels the tapping. Even though a loved one would wish us to move on and enjoy our lives, it is often a difficult step to take. Family responsibility and the care of family land are the keys to the culture. The surprised Ulumu could not but recognize Lefao's dexterity. The deck of the large double canoe is roomy and able to carry heavy loads. This is called: Va lelei. A tattooer who has a job to do will, on the previous evening, put all his instruments into a container (tunuma). The papata crab had born a child and there was much rejoicing among the relatives. It grew in the bush, but it is cast away in the road. Mutia is a short kind of grass found on much-used roads. Never judge things of. Its 33. The tropic bird's breastbone is visible. The all use a one gauge mesh. When a Samoan has to do manual work, he takes off his lavalava and puts on a girdle of ti leaves. O le fili va i fale. Their village being so far inland, they knew how to appreciate their catch. The sinnet ring and the stand for the fishing rod must be equally strong. The joy of the welcome was like that with which the birds greet the dawn. Thus say the hunters when, entering the bush, they notice no sign of the game. Instead of the gentle, steady trade wind, they prayed for a stormy westerly that would cause the leaves to fall down and save them the trouble of climbing up the trees. To drill holes that do not meet. Let each one smooth his part of the boat. Grief is painful, and at times you may feel as if your heart is literally breaking in two. From the bodily warmth of the one who sits or lies on it. After the harvest the pole will be laid aside or thrown away. Troy Polamalu. The tulavae are afterwards joined together. Another explanation is as follows: Matala'oa was a crippled girl in Falealili. 58. Upu fa'anoanoa or alofa. I am a man who must obey orders. When day broke the latter saw that his plan had miscarried. "All Image: Facebook So he prayed to Tagaloalagi, the highest god, to help him. Each had born him a son. There is a lou (harvesting pole) for every crop. Publilius Syrus. We rely on the most current and reputable sources, which are cited in the text and listed at the bottom of each article. The crab dies by its own leg. Pa'u i se niu 'umi (loa). E sola le fai, 'ae tu'u le foto. Ia tupu i se fusi. Va i fale ve'a. Those who do not want it, despise something that is desired by the majority. The tia are close together but it is long way from one to the other. The fao is a nail, a drill, or a gouge used in making the holes through which will be threaded the sinnet that ties the planks. 1. The aesthetic sense of the Samoans requires a person of dignity to be well-fed and portly. They introduced Christianity to Samoa and their influence has a large effect as far as denomination goes today. Upu vivi'i: A figure of speech for speed.. Upu fa'anoanoa or alofa expressing disappointment when one's expectations are not realized or when a counsel given is disregarded. Mr. Neffgen, Govt. Have dorsal fins like those of the fuga but not like those of the maono. In other words, Samoans do not abandon their ancient traditions in light of Christianity but allow them both to be culturally important, especially at the time of death. Try the fish line first on land. When the thief returned and saw the charm, he was frightened. Upu vivi'i: laudatory and complimentary remarks. They can be particularly useful when you are simply trying to find the right words and need a little inspiration. The barracuda that sleeps apart. To rejoice like a young bird on the return of its parent with food. However, another aitu named Pagoa was lurking there and ate up those who had escaped the eels. Ua savini fa'apunuamanu. O lenei lava le ufiufi manu gase. Look before you leap. To be aware of oneself in society one has to be accepted into its society. ). Someone has misued the umu lapalapa. O le poto a lauloa. A Samoan saying about life which means even though life takes us in different directions, we will always find our way back to our loved ones. Ua se i'a e moe. O le foe fa'ae'e i le tau. Euphemisms for Dead, Death, and Dying: Are They Helpful or Harmful? Saying "hello" is as simple as ml in an informal setting. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. So it is with governmental power. 106. A petitioner uses it to indicate he realizes the negative answer he gets is only an evasion. Ua vaea i ulu fatuga. The bonito was mistakenly pulled up on the outrigger side. Sinasegi, the daughter of the Tuiaana Fa'apilipili and his wife Sinalaua, went fishing one night on the reef of Falelima. The sea cucumber always held with the victor. Upu fa'aaloalo: expressions of respect and courtesy. Ia fa'autu ia le fao. You have to be a gentleman everywhere but on the field. 60. Below Ive listed the most famous Samoan proverbs and their meanings as well as some common Samoan sayings. O le ala ua mutia, 'ae le se ala fati. Seu foga'afa. Due to an increase in poverty and migration among Western Samoans, total reciprocity of gifts is no longer strictly followed. Upu faifai referring to a person who feigns love and affection. When the wild manutagi has entered the cage of the decoy bird, the hunter, crying 'ae'ae, jumps out of his shelter and covers the cage. Some maintain that ufu is the name of a certain fish and paipai the substance secreted by it. Upu fa'amafanafana. O le upega le talifa. 88. Each one has a mind of his own and does not know the thoughts and designs of his neighbour. Upu fa'aalualu: (1) In a discussion each one should tell his opinion unreservedly; only then can the right decision be reached. 50. Pilis net has been poured out into the sea. Ia moe le ufu, to'a le paipai. Upu fa'aaloalo used to introduce some complimentary remarks about the previous speaker, if the latter was a high chief or an orator of rank. 11, 12, 96). Fa'aui lau lavea. The saying means, not to reveal a certain matter, such as the commission of an injustice. The bonito fishing rod is fastened to the thwart by means of a sinnet ring (futia). He who falls off a high coconut tree will sustain some hurt; to fall off a small tree (niu muli) is not dangerous. 4. In time, remembering a loved one may bring more comfort than pain. ", "Make sure to send a lazy man for the Angel of Death. He has two mouths like the sea cucumber. Through the back entrance she received the food which had to be offered to her as tribute. Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. Ua fa'atagito'a. 123, 201. E tenetene fua le livaliva, 'ae sagasaga 'ai le vili ia. 2018;7(Suppl 1):AB016. Only seen in the mouths of the fish. Upu taofiofi: Warning: Look before you leap. 123. Fa'alupe tumulifale. The latter was just returning from fishing. For the next harvest the old lou will be fetched again or a new one will be made. The sail is, therefore, somewhat lowered until it hangs in an inclined position (sipa). Avetu ni lo, aumai ni lo. The fish is near a deep spot. The pigeon of the early morning. Pratt translates: Better have a small plantation of your own, than be joined with another. Thus says a travelling party when entering a house, after having previously called at some other villages. ", "Everything revolves around bread and death. The jumping about of a newly caught bird. Death is a reminder that our lives are finite. Ia seu le manu, 'ae silasila i le galu. 139. 102. Upu fa'aalualu: encouragement, persuasion. Like a sleeping fish. A little tifitifi, that was still alive, sprang up and fell into a deep hole and Lilomaiava said, Perhaps you want that fish too? Yes, replied Leao and Lilomaiava said, Well, then the post must be taken down.. E atagia taga tafili. The fuga has soft dorsal fins; the maono, hard and spiny ones. 93. Upu fa'anoanoa or alofa, having a similar meaning to No. Enjoy reading and share 5 famous quotes about Inspirational Samoan with everyone. 91. Also, upu faifai. 123, 201. E lafi a taga usi. E gase a uluga. Upu faaalualu. Home | About Us | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service Copyright 2023 Funeralwise, LLC. However, if there were but few nuts available, only the valuable white birds got coconut milk; the common dark or speckled birds had to content themselves with water. In Tutuila the sea birds that rest exhausted on the cliffs are caught with nets without the aid of decoy birds. A decision made at night may be changed in the morning. When a ti plantation has been abandoned, the plants are not choked by the weeds but will grow up again as soon as the weeds are removed. 130. 25. Applied to a family, village or district which, through dissension, is divided into two equally strong parties. The tulafale try their utmost to bring about the wedding of their chief and when this is accomplished they are not sparing in flatteries, as they will be well rewarded with the fine mats that constitute the bride's dowry. E sau le fuata ma lona lou. He is like the tropic bird which is proud of its feathers. By Chris Raymond Upu fa'amaulalo by which is meant: The matter on which I am now going to speak does not really concern me - 147 and I am overstepping my rights in taking the word. Ua fa'alua'i talo Asau. Chris Raymond is an expert on funerals, grief, and end-of-life issues, as well as the former editor of the worlds most widely read magazine for funeral directors. The following morning it is properly put in order. Let each plant two taros in a particular spot. While they slept, an aitu (spirit, devil) came along and took on the form of one of the women. The Samoans maintain that if the parents were left undisturbed, they would remain with their young and allow themselves to starve to death. The saying is also used as an upu fa'amaulalo. The numerous muagagana (proverbial expressions) relating to pigeon catching prove how popular the sport was with the Samoans. This refers to the preparations for the hunt of the manuali'i. In the bush villages and sometimes also in those near the seashore, the inner bark of the fausoga tree is twisted into a cord used to make fish and lobster nets and for other purposes. Upu vivi'i. With people it is different. May the cluster of nuts bow to the midrib of the coconut leaf. A Samoan proverb which means that current trials are coming to an end. In the existing Samoan literature the proverbial expressions have suffered woeful and undeserved neglect. He will often use the long hours of the fono to do this work. If you have to form a resolution, do not revolve the matter in your own mind only, but discuss it with others. Our lives are decreed to be taken by the gods. It also refers to elderly or sick people whose days are numbered, but in this case it may not be used in the presence of the person to whom it is applied. The fibre being too short, she lengthened it with polata (fibre from the midrib of the banana leaf). The true meaning is that you should do the most difficult task first. The word manuia is used to wish somebody well with anything at all, and can be used to say goodbye as well: (Abridged. Upu alofa: A pious wish addressed by the head of a family to a favourite child. Upu vivi'i applied to two villages or families long related to each other and united through their common origin. I have developed a Samoan mentality. 7. 5. As they had to wait for low tide, they lay down and fell asleep. At the termination of the war the birds held a fono and drank kava. 188. This Samoan idiom literally means why do you not steer out of the way?. The method of fishing called lauloa consists in enclosing a large space of shallow water in the lagoon by means of a coconut-leaf net. 5. Paraphrase for: To remove someone from a family, a meeting, or a village. If the saying is to refer to incestuous brothers and sisters, it may be used only as an obscene jest, but never in the presence of relatives. Content is fact checked after it has been edited and before publication. To be taken unawares. Let the Fijian method of fishing remain a secret. Fetuia'i fa'afaga a 'apoa. Directly applied to a long meeting and indirectly, to any other performance that takes a long time. Fatu'ulu. Its inhabitants had the reputation of avoiding all waste when fishing. Ua se temeteme. Applied to a unanimous decision. Upu fa'amafanafana or vivi'i used when a thing is done with so much skill and energy that we may rest assured of its success. Delight in the hunter's hut. Upu faifai: The little crayfish valo that leaves its hole and, unbidden, enters its neighbour's hole, illustrates a person who officiously meddles with other people's concerns. Sep 5, 2018 - Explore Jean's board "Samoan Sayings" on Pinterest. Upu fa'anoanoa or alofa: The former concord is at an end. The owner of a certain plantation had his crop stolen time and again. 55. When the parents returned, they were so terrified at the young one's inability to eat, that they left all caution aside and could be caught easily. Blessed is the moon; it goes but it comes back again. When a matai tauta (landlubber) who owns fishing tackle but understands nothing about fishing, wants some fish, he will give the tackle and a present to a tautai and ask him to go fishing for him. If one wishes to drill a hole in a thing, as in a piece of mother-of-pearl for a fish-hook, he first bores from one side and then tries to hit the hole from the other side. The dying of the pair of birds. All the crabs came to see the baby Sina and they brought food for the mother as is right and proper. The sponging of the Matamea crab. The Samoan fish-hook consists of a longish shaft of polished pearl shell, pa, and a hook made of tortoise shell, maga. O le vaivai o le fe'e. If the maga breaks or is bitten off by a fish, the loss can easily be repaired. What Can You Expect During End Stage Lung Cancer, Inspiring Poems About Death, Grief, and Loss, How Anticipatory Grief Differs From Grief After Death, What Loved Ones Should Know About the End of Life, How to Write a Condolence Letter or Sympathy Note, Addressing the cultural, spiritual and religious perspectives of palliative care, "Say not in grief he is no more, but live in thankfulness that he was. The word falute originally referred only to mats; it is now also applied to other things that must be gathered up evenly. The proverb advised that People aren't good unless others are made better by them. 11. Everyone grieves differently and for different periods of time. The matai orders his men to build a small hunting hut and carry it with the rest of the hunting implements to the swamp which is the bird's usual habitat. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. E a le puga nisi, a le ana nisi. Na o Neiafu na mele ai le to'elau. When the girls grumbled because the anticipated tit-bits failed to appear, Pili soothed them with the words: O le upega e tautau, 'ae fagota. When it tries to climb over rocks and tree trunks, it frequently tumbles down. Like a pigeon sitting on the pola (plaited coconut leaves used to enclose the sides of a house). I prefer this explanation. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; Love leaves a memory no one can steal. Unknown . How to Find Joy in a Broken World. He then awakened the other and went out with her to the reef where he intended to kill and eat her. 110. However, it presupposes that only one person is engaged in an undertaking, or, if there is more than one, none of them meets with success. Ia fua le niu. 163. The death of the head of the family, on the other hand, is considered a great loss. Upu taofiofi. During his lifetime a person frequently changes his abode, but when he is about to die he remembers his birth-place and his family and returns there to await the end. O le ia itiiti le igaga. Inspirational Samoan Quotes & Sayings. To use thatch a second time. It is also used for the notch made by the carpenter in a tree trunk or a beam to facilitate his work. As to each coconut leaf belongs a cluster of young nuts, so each individual belongs to his family. To push the cross-piece back and forth (in order to spread the net). When the members of a family are fishing with their net another person will, perhaps, put to sea and join them in the hope that he will get his share of the catch after having assisted them. To come like a fish in the night. Apr 8, 2019 - Explore Sam P's board "Samoan quotes" on Pinterest. In the Samoan villages the papalagi house built of weather boards - 172 is the exception, whilst in Tonga it has become the rule. Rebuke for relatives, friends and neighbours who are quarrelsome and trying to harm one another. Refers to the weeds growing between the houses. Tafi le va i ti. It is like the fishing of the heron. His work in the village is useful. 182. The hunter is interested only in those wild pigeons that appear in front of his hut. (2) Howsoever cleverly a thing may be concealed, it will come to light at last. Upu faifai. When fishing for anae (mullet) the fishermen post themselves around the big net. First friends, then broken heads. The wild birds shall die: the tame ones shall live. Change Language {{#items}} {{local_title}} Jesus Death, Resurrection & Return. 147. Here are some humorous words that may help: Knowing when not to speak following a death is as important as knowing when to speak. 74. They are all of one mind. The offspring of birds are fed with flower nectar, but the children of men are nurtured with words. 21. O le a sosopo le manu vale i le fogatia. The fisher then pulls it forth with his hand and kills it by sinking his teeth through its head. See you tomorrow. Avatu ni lo, aumai ni lo. Its used to describe someone who has no fixed abode. Ua vela lana umu i lo tatou nu'u. Tau ina uia o le ala o le atu. The busybody's pretended wisdom, therefore, will be of no avail. Every shark must be paid for. Ua si'i le matalalagathings have changed. The following are the principal game birds: the lupe (pigeon), the manutagi (a small species of pigeon), the manuali'i, the ve'a (swamphen), the tava'e (tropic bird), the gogo and some other sea birds. Samoan The person with burned fingers asks for tongs. Introduction: The two principal objects at the use of the Samoan are his house and his boat. A strong-willed, wise man who is unsuccessful in a first attempt, will try again. Every culture has its own set of rules in which everyone is to follow so that there is order and peace in the community. Because of its small size the igaga was not invited to the meeting. It is also used as an upu fa'amaulalo, an apology to the receiver whom courtesy then requires to praise the value of the gift. Large like a bundle of sugarcane leaves. O le mafuli a puou. Failure to do this is particularly troublesome when the little fishes appear, because they will be chased by the big ones and, at the same time, they serve as free bait for the fishermen. To catch the first pigeon of the day is considered a special achievement. He is like the plate of the drill. Compare also Nos. Applied to a resolution corresponding to what is customary in the family or the village. Applied to a thing done so hurriedly that order and care suffer; for instance, a hurried journey in which things are forgotten. 23. 73. Once upon a time there was an aitu (devil, spirit) who had the form of a trumpet shell (Triton shell, pu, foafoa) and ate men. Traditionally, Samoans believed in dying at home and being buried the day after death to prevent the spirit from causing any trouble or misfortune for their family, Three Samoan orators, including two tulafale(Credit: Wikipedia). Use iTalki for 1-on-1 lessons in over 150 languages to supercharge your learning! 155. 178. They were also shot with bow and arrow (No. She lived in a small hut behind the big house occupied by her brother and his family. 131. 192. Upu fa'aaloalo: In a difficult situation only a wise tulafale can give advice and help; we, therefore, rely on him to make the decision. A rainy day. Ua talaga a pa sina. Ua sili mea le seuga. The alamea is a spiny sea star. A fisherman who has lost his hooks may approach another canoe, take hold of a fish line and remove the fish-hook. May it end with threats and not come to blows. The barb easily breaks off and remains in the wound, while the fish escapes. When gathering breadfruit with the lou, it may happen that branches not bearing any fruit are knocked about and injured. Ua 'ou seuseu ma le fata. Man, also, strives after material advantages. Since the spread of Christianity the saying refers to the repose of the soul after death. So hurriedly that order and care suffer ; for instance, a meeting, or a new one be! Matter, such as the commission of an object whose existence was unknown were also shot with bow arrow... Only to mats ; it goes but it is often a difficult step to take migration Western... Inspirational Samoan with everyone pearl shell, pa, and at times you may feel as if your is. It end with threats and not meddle with those of others the sinnet and. 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King is dead, long live the king is dead, death samoan sayings about death and at times you feel... But not like those of the Samoan are his house and his wife,. Flower nectar, but there are more ahead of us 'ai le vili ia peace in the lagoon means... As to each other and united through their common origin are decreed be. ; to pursue a goal with united strength daughter of the community hand, is divided two! Had miscarried Samoans, total reciprocity of gifts is no longer strictly followed called at some villages... Used of someone who has lost his hooks may approach another canoe, take hold of a,... But not like those of others including peer-reviewed studies, to support the within... Crook at the ve ' a le ana nisi try again Copyright 2023 Funeralwise, LLC the food had.